6th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Christa Court
Session Name Poster Session - Human Water Needs/Use
Poster Number 29
Author(s) Erik Shuster,  National Energy Technology Laboratory
  Arun Iyengar,  KeyLogic Systems Inc.
  Lessly Goudarzi, OnLocation Inc.
  Dale Keairns, Deloitte Consulting Inc.
  Christa Court, University of Florida, Food and Resource Economics (Presenting Author)
  Water-Energy Prototype Model for the NEMS Platform: Thermoelectric Water Demand and its Implications for Regional Electricity Markets
  A simplified energy water prototype model has been developed at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) as a part of a larger effort to comprehensively model energy-water interactions. The NETL energy water prototype model (NWEM) passively couples a variety of data on water supply, water availability, and power plant water use with the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) power generation forecasts. NWEM operates at a watershed level and its efficacy in resolving local water supply and water-use trade-offs was demonstrated using data from Sandia National Laboratory along with a water supply scenario projected by the World Resources Institute. Since the prototype only passively utilized a forecast of power generation from an existing forecast, the model's choices were limited to purchases or retrofitting to meet future water supply constraints. In the next phase, NETL will integrate the water sub-module into the NEMS framework, which will allow active interaction between the water market and power markets extending the industry's ability to re-dispatch its generating units with the price of water as one of the variable costs.