Dr. Jon Martin, Department of Geological Sciences – Aqueous Geochemistry
Email: jbmartin@ufl.edu
Jon Martin studies processes that control water chemistry in a variety of natural settings, and how the chemical compositions can be used for natural hydrologic tracers. He works on coastal aquifers and the relationship between the composition of submarine groundwater discharge and its effects on estuarine water quality. He is Professor of Geological Sciences and teaches courses in mineralogy, surface water and groundwater interactions, and hydrogeochemistry. More information can be found at http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/jbmartin/website/jmartin.html.
Goals of the Aqueous Geochemistry Component - The specific goals of water chemistry will be to improve the understanding and predictive capabilities of how coastal fresh water resources may be impacted by changes in sea level. Emphasis of this component will be on observations and modeling of the chemical compositions of water in coastal aquifers. The chemical compositions will be used as tracers for reactions that may be expected to occur following changes in sea level and salinization of coastal aquifers or increases or decreases in fresh water discharge to coastal zones. Specific goals related to aqueous geochemistry will be:
(1) Identify appropriate field sites for empirical studies of interactions between fresh water discharging from coastal to estuarine surface water.
(2) Develop and implement techniques for observations and measurements of the magnitudes of exchange between surface water and groundwater in coastal settings utilizing natural chemical and isotopic tracers.
(3) Use time-series analyses of observed changes in the chemical and isotopic changes in the mixed waters to assess the magnitudes and rates of reactions between the aquifer materials and discharging water.
(4) Assess the flux of dissolved material into the aquifer from the oceans and discharging from the aquifers to the coastal zones and the impacts of these fluxes on water quality in the aquifers and estuaries.