2nd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Stuart Muller
Session Name Poster Session: Hydrologic, Biogeochemical and Ecological Processes 1
Category Hydrologic, biogeochemical and ecological processes
Poster Number 229
Author(s) Stuart Muller,  Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida
  Rafael Muñoz-Carpena,  Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida
  A Novel Water-Quality Model for the Southern Everglades
  Water quality in the southern Everglades is an important determinant of the conditions within Florida Bay, into which much of the Everglades flow empties. Water quality conditions in the region are also an important indicator of the downstream effects of upstream water management decisions. Modeling of the region is therefore important to facilitate informed management of the entire system. To that end, a generic modeling tool for simulating the biogeochemical processes that drive Everglades water quality (RSE) has been integrated with a flow and transport model for the variable-density, linked surface-water and groundwater hydrology of the southern Everglades (FTLOADDS). Testing of the new tool is presented, and an application to the region surrounding Taylor Slough to determine nutrient loading to Florida Bay is discussed.