Submitter's Name |
Vibhava Srivastava |
Session Name |
Poster Session: Hydrologic, Biogeochemical and Ecological Processes 1 |
Category |
Hydrologic, biogeochemical and ecological processes |
Poster Number |
243 |
Author(s) |
Vibhava Srivastava, Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
Wendy Graham,
Water Institute |
Jonathan Martin, Department of Geology |
Matthew Cohen, School of Forest Resources and Conservation |
An integrated approach to investigate the hydrological behavior of the SantaFe River Basin, north central Florida |
A simple two domain rainfall discharge convolution model (TDRDM; Long, 2009) was applied to the 3700 km2 Santa Fe River Basin (SFRB), in north central Florida, to predict the ground and surface water components of streamflow as a response to observed precipitation. In addition a two end member mixing analysis (EMMA; Schilling and Helmers, 2008; Soulsby and Dunn, 2003) technique, using measured concentrations of specific conductivity (SC) in streamflow as well as surface water and groundwater end members, was used independently to estimate the surface and groundwater contributions to streamflow within the basin. The results obtained from the two independent approaches showed reasonable agreement about the hydrologic behavior of the basin. Results obtained through the EMMA showed the dominance of surface or near surface flow processes in the confined region of the SFRB. The EMMA also showed that the unconfined region is dominated by groundwater throughout the period of study with a few exceptions during extreme storm events when surface or near surface water sources dominate groundwater contributions. Similar dominance of surficial processes in the confined region and ground water in the unconfined region was confirmed by TDRDM. The TDRDM indicated the presence of two relatively fast flow components in the confined region and one fast and very slow flow component in the unconfined region. Overall the complementary use of EMMA using SC data along with a simple rainfall-discharge convolution model helped to further refine our conceptual model of the surface and groundwater interactions in unconfined region of the SFRB. During the next phase of this research hypotheses based on this refined conceptual hydrologic model will be tested using the 3-D spatially distributed integrated surface-groundwater model PARFLOW (Maxwell and Miller, 2005; Kollet and Maxwell, 2008). |