2nd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Bhargavi Pathakamuri
Session Name Poster Session: Optimal Use of Integrated Water Supplies 2
Category Optimal use of integrated water supplies
Poster Number 418
Author(s) Bhargavi Pathakamuri,  Student
  Berrin Tansel,  Professor
  Maribel Balbin, Manager, MDWASD
  Efficient Showerheads Role in Water Conservation – Status and Potential
  Abstract: Miami Dade Water And Sewer Department (MDWASD) is implementing a 20-year water use efficiency plan for sustainable and healthy water resource management. As a part of this, showerhead rebate program initiated in October 2005. Water consumption trends for 248 residential customers (2.6 persons per customer) with one showerhead rebate issued in Miami municipality were analyzed. Average per capita water consumption for these customers was reduced from 99.23 to 92.42 and the total water savings accounts to 1.59 MGY from 2005 to 2008. Interestingly the percentage of water conserved by these customers after installing efficient showerheads is 6.86 from 2005 to 2008.