2nd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Angie Lindsey
Session Name Poster Session: Human Dimensions of Water Sustainability 2
Category Human dimensions of water sustainability
Poster Number 110
Author(s) Angie Lindsey,  University of Florida
  Effective Issues Management: A Critical Analysis of the St. Johns River Water Management District It’s Your River Campaign
  In past research, issues management within public relations has been assigned various definitions. However, most definitions include the element that issues management embodies bringing together different parties in the public policy arena, to determine resolution or consensus on a certain issue. Given this, issue management programs can include tactics that foster the understanding and conversion between two parties and enables them to share their ideas. For the purpose of this study, the Public Affairs Council issues management model will be utilized. This model includes six steps that organizations take when managing a certain issue. The St. Johns River Water Management District developed the multimedia It’s Your River campaign to inform stakeholders/general public of their role in the health of the St. John’s River. In this study, the issue is the health of the St. John’s River, and the different parties are the general public and St. Johns River Water Management District. Using the Public Affairs Council issues management model as a guide, this study with critically analyze the St. Johns River Water Management District’s It’s Your River integrated marketing campaign. This campaign utilized several mediums including print, television and Internet. This study will critically analyze these pieces using the issues management model to determine if this campaign was effective in managing the issue of the health of the St. John’s River.