Submitter's Name |
Jehangir Bhadha |
Session Name |
Poster Session: Hydrologic, Biogeochemical and Ecological Processes 1 |
Category |
Hydrologic, biogeochemical and ecological processes |
Poster Number |
201 |
Author(s) |
Jehangir Bhadha, University of Florida |
Matthew Miller,
University of Florida |
James Jawitz, University of Florida |
George O'Connor, University of Florida |
Jennifer Mitchell, University of Florida |
Phosphorus retention characteristics of aluminum-based water treatment residuals for use in permeable reactive barriers |
Intensive phosphorus (P) management is necessary to reduce total P loading within the Lake Okeechobee Basin. Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are a groundwater remediation technology that utilizes a reactive wall to passively intercept contaminants, such as P from groundwater before being rapidly transported to Lake Okeechobee via ditches. Drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs) are by-products of chemical salts such as aluminum that are ideal for use in PRBs due its affinity for P, availability, and low cost. We hypothesize that the contact time between PRB media and P-laden groundwater to be limited during high rainfall events accompanied by rapid lateral groundwater movement, thus evaluating short-term ( 99% of P in solution was adsorbed by the Al-WTRs within 2-h of the experiment, suggesting minimal kinetic limitations to P retention in PRBs. The four Al-WTRs were qualitatively classified into cake ( 65 % solids). The gravel-like Al-WTRs were dry fractionated into four size fractions: > 2.0, 0.25-2.0, 0.045-0.25, and |