2nd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Lisa Gardner
Session Name Poster Session: Hydrologic, Biogeochemical and Ecological Processes 1
Category Hydrologic, biogeochemical and ecological processes
Poster Number 213
Author(s) Lisa M. Gardner,  University of Florida
  K. R. Reddy,  University of Florida
  Todd Z. Osborne, University of Florida
  Carbon Pool Dynamics in a Phosphorus-Impacted Wetland (Everglades, FL)
  Wetlands function as a major sink of carbon, but also release C through microbial respiration. Human disturbances, such as hydrologic changes and nutrient additions, often increase the rate at which wetland C is released to the atmosphere. In water conservation area 2A (WCA-2A), a managed hydrologic unit within the Everglades, a historically P-limited wetland is receiving high concentrations of P. The goal of this study was to determine if anaerobic respiration and the character of the C pools differed between P-enriched areas and unenriched areas of the wetland. Results indicate unenriched soils (0-10cm) store the most TC (ยต=3341g C m-2) and organic C represents >97% of the TC at all sites. Anaerobic CO2 and CH4 production was significantly greater in the un-enriched detritus than all other sites (p