2nd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Jeff Million
Session Name Poster Session: Optimal Use of Integrated Water Supplies 2
Category Optimal use of integrated water supplies
Poster Number 414
Author(s) Jeff Million,  Dept. of Environ. Hort., Univ. of Florida
  Tom Yeager,  Dept. of Environ. Hort., Univ. of Florida
  Joe Ritchie, ritchie@msu.edu
  Claudia Larsen, Dept. of Environ. Hort., Univ. of Florida
  Joseph Albano, U.S. Hort. Res. Lab, USDA
  CCROP – A web-based decision support tool for managing water and nutrients in container nurseries
  CCROP (Container Crop Resource Optimization Program) is a web-based decision support tool that simulates growth and nutrient and irrigation requirements of woody ornamental plants grown in containers. CCROP is designed to assist growers and other industry stakeholders select best management practices which maximize efficient use of water and fertilizer resources and minimize environmental impact. Inputs for CCROP include daily weather data uploaded from the Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) and critical management practices (e.g. plant date, container size and spacing, fertilizer, pruning, etc.). Daily and summary output includes plant growth, evapotranspiration, irrigation requirement, plant nutrient demand and uptake, nutrient leaching and runoff. A real-time irrigation tool recommends a daily amount of irrigation water to apply which is based upon resupplying water lost through evapotranspiration.