The University of Florida Water Institute brings together talent from throughout the University to address complex water issues through innovative interdisciplinary research, education, and public outreach programs.
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Symposium closing plenary session panelists respond to questions. Photo courtesy of Dawn McKinstry.
Affiliate faculty members Treavor Boyer, Bin Gao, and James Heaney.
April 6, 2012
Volume I, Issue 3
A word from the Director: The 2012 Biennial Symposium is behind us and we are pleased with the enthusiasm for, and success of, this flagship Water Institute event. The UF Water Institute is now in the process of revisiting and updating our strategic plan. The process began with an online survey of the Water Institute Affiliate Faculty, followed by a SWOT analysis/priority setting exercises with the Water Institute Faculty Advisory Committee and a meeting with UF Chairs and Directors to obtain their input on Water Institute priorities. We will wrap up the strategic planning exercise with a retreat open to all interested Water Institute Affiliate Faculty. We hope that many of you will participate as we map out our next 5 years supporting interdisciplinary collaboration on water-related research, education and outreach programs. And remember to mark your calendar for the next Water Institute Symposium in February 2014!
Sincerely, Wendy Graham, Ph.D. Carl S. Swisher Chair in Water Resources Water Institute Director
2012 Symposium: Nutrient Dynamics, Policy and Management in Watersheds attracts 380 participants
On February 15 and 16, the UF Water Institute took over the 2nd Floor of the Reitz Union to hold its 3rd Biennial Symposium. Past symposia have been broadly focused on issues in watersheds and proposed solutions to those issues, but this year's symposium narrowed that focus to the topic of nutrient dynamics. The concurrent sessions and panels concentrated on six themes: understanding natural, anthropogenic and legacy sources of nutrients; nutrient dynamics and enrichment impacts in aquatic ecosystems; efficacy of nutrient source control strategies; innovative biological, physical and chemical nutrient reduction and recovery technologies; social, behavioral, and economic aspects of nutrient management; governance approaches to nutrient management.
The symposium consisted of two plenary sessions, concurrent oral sessions, panel discussions, poster presenters and an art exhibit focusing on the tie between art and science. With presentations by distinguished scholars from the around the country, faculty and students from Florida universities, and representatives from industry, consulting and stakeholder groups, the event brought together participants that don't often interact to discuss existing problems and potential solutions for nutrient management in watersheds. While the problems presented were significant, and some of the proposed solutions may seem far off, the symposium underscored the importance of nutrient dynamics, policy and management in Florida, and provided a forum to vet creative solutions for watershed protection and restoration. For more details on the Symposium including access to presentations and two articles presenting Water Institute Graduate Fellows' view of the symposium, visit our post-symposium website.
Two Water Institute affiliate faculty members receive NSF Career Awards
Congratulations to affiliate faculty members Treavor Boyer and Bin Gao who have recently received NSF career awards! Treavor Boyer's award was for his proposal, "CAREER: Sustainable Urine Processes through Integration of Education and Research (SUPER)," which focuses on his vision for water treatment through innovative techniques of wastewater management and water recycling strategies. He says he is invested in this project because he believes "urine source-separation and treatment represents disruptive innovation to the status quo approach to wastewater management." Bin Gao's award was for his proposal, "CAREER: An Integrated Research and Education Program to Improve Environmental Sustainability with Biochar Technology," which focuses on conversion of carbon-rich agricultural residues into biomass-derived black carbon, or biochar to benefit water conservation and reclamation and sustainable agricultural management practices. "The project is designed to build an integrated research and education program focusing on exploring the environmental and societal benefits of using carbon-rich agricultural residues as feed stocks for engineered biochars," Gao says.
Jim Heaney receives ASCE Julian Hinds Award Affiliate faculty member James Heaney has been awarded with the American Society of Civil Engineers Julian Hinds Award for 2012. The Julian Hinds Award recognizes achievements that advance engineering in the field of planning, development, and management of water resources. Specifically, Dr. Heaney was honored "for a career distinguished by innovative and groundbreaking applications of systems analysis and optimization methods to management of urban stormwater, urban water use, natural waters, and sustainable urban infrastructure systems, as well as mentorship of students and professionals."