The University of Florida Water Institute brings together talent from throughout the University to address complex water issues through innovative interdisciplinary research, education, and public outreach programs.
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UF's display at the Smithsonian Museum's Folklife Festival. Photo courtesy of Tyler Jones.
Upcoming Events: |
October 9 – Florida Museum of Natural History Science Café
7-8:30 p.m.
3215 Hull Road, Gainesville, FL 32611
November 16 – Joanna
Endter-Wada, Associate Professor, Department of Environment and Society, College of Natural Resources, Utah State University
Kjelgren, Department of Plants, Soils and Climate, College of Agriculture, Utah State University 209 Emerson Alumni Hall, Gainesville, FL; 2 pm - 3 pm and
3 pm - 4 pm
WIGF Practicum Presentations Summer Law Program, conservation clinic in Costa Rica – Presentations relevant to Tempisque basin October 1( Newins Ziegler 376), October 5 (Frazier Rogers Hall 122), October 22 (Frazier Rogers Hall 122) Presentations on variable topics at 12pm and 12:30pm each day |
October 1, 2012
Volume II, Issue 1 A word from the Director:
The Water Institute enters its second five years in the midst of growing scientific, public and political awareness of water issues, and the pressing need for locally relevant and nationally pertinent research, education and knowledge transfer programs. I am pleased to release our revised Strategic
Plan (2012-2017) which renews our focus on developing new knowledge, and creating innovative engineering, policy and educational approaches to manage complex water issues. The plan continues our established emphasis on strong interdisciplinary research and educational programs, and expands to also include partnership with UF/Extension in their newly articulated strategic initiative “Enhancing and Protecting Water Quality, Quantity, and Supply.”
Bringing together the diverse strengths in water science, engineering and policy at UF continues to define us. I encourage you to visit our website and become an affiliate faculty member.
Wendy Graham, Ph.D. Director UF Water Institute, Carl S. Swisher Chair in Water Resources
Water Utilities and Climate Working Group gains momentum
A second NOAA funded project has emerged from the Water Institute-led Public Water Supply Utilities–Climate Impacts Working Group (PWSU-CIWG).
Set to begin in October, the project will use seasonal climate forecasts to minimize short-term operational risks for water supply and ecosystem restoration. Dr. Wendy Graham (PI) and Dr. Christopher Martinez (Co-PI) intend to evaluate the use of National Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) forecasts for two water supply applications: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority and Tampa Bay Water and an ecosystem restoration application within the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)/Everglades National Park. In other news, working group partner, Tampa Bay Water, is highlighted in the
feature article of NOAA’s ClimateWatch magazine. Click on the videos in the article to hear from why a group like this is helpful and how the collaborative research is facilitating climate science in utility operations decision-making.
Water Institute Graduate Fellows
(WIGF) go abroad to Costa Rica's Tempisque Basin
The 2011 WIGF student and faculty cohort ventured to Costa Rica to top off their first year in the program. The group joined the Levin College of Law Conservation Clinic and the International Environmental Law Skills Lab program to gain experience in providing short-term development assistance
(consultancies) and working in interdisciplinary teams. All projects focused on water management issues pertinent to the Tempisque-Bebedero Basin, one of Costa Rica’s largest and most water-limited watersheds.
The projects included an investigation of legal, socioeconomic, and environmental issues. Presentations of research projects are planned for the month of October (see Upcoming Events). Read
UF Smithsonian exhibition at Folklife Festival, Washington, D.C.
Water: Connections for Life was the theme of the University
of Florida exhibit at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C. held in late June and early July of this summer in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Land Grant Institutions.
Water Institute staff participated in the design and hosting of exhibit. The Florida Museum of Natural History is featuring the exhibit from September 29, 2012 – January 2, 2013. The Water Institute is hosting a Science
Café, designed to inspire discourse about water sustainability in
Florida, at the Florida Museum of Natural History on October
Recent awards for affiliate faculty
Dr. Ramesh Reddy, the recipient of the “Wetland Lifetime Achievement Award” by the International Association for Ecology (above, left) and Dr. Wendy Graham, the recipient of the ADS/Hancor Soil and Water Engineering Award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (above, right)