publications > maps > florida
geologic map > lithostratigraphic units
Tertiary System
Eocene Series Middle Eocene - Bartonian
Tap -
Avon Park Formation - Middle Eocene carbonate sediments of peninsular
Florida, as originally described by Applin
and Applin (1944), were subdivided, in ascending order, into the Lake
City Limestone and the Avon Park Limestone. Miller
(1986) recommended combining the Lake City Limestone with the Avon
Park Limestone and, due to the common occurrence of dolostone, referred to
the unit as the Avon Park Formation. Carbonates of the Avon Park Formation
are the oldest sediments exposed in the state. The Avon Park Formation
crops out in a limited area in west-central peninsular Florida in Levy and
Citrus Counties on the crest of the Ocala Platform.
The Avon Park
Formation consists of cream to light-brown or tan, poorly indurated to
well indurated, variably fossiliferous, limestone (grainstone, packstone
and wackestone, with rare mudstone). These limestones are interbedded with
tan to brown, very poorly indurated to well indurated, very fine to medium
crystalline, fossiliferous (molds and casts), vuggy dolostones. The
fossils present include mollusks, foraminifers, echinoids, algae and
carbonized plant remains. Molds and casts of gypsum crystals occur
The Avon Park
Formation is part of the Floridan aquifer system (FAS). Parts of the Avon
Park Formation comprise important, subregional confining units within the
FAS (Miller,
Upper Eocene - Priabonian Stage
To -
Ocala Limestone - Dall
and Harris (1892) referred to the limestones exposed near Ocala,
Marion County, in central peninsular Florida as the Ocala Limestone. Puri
elevated the Ocala Limestone to group status recognizing its component
formations on the basis of foraminiferal faunas (biozones). Scott
(1991) reduced the Ocala Group to formational status in accordance
with the North American Stratigraphic Code (North
American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, 1983).
The Ocala
Limestone consists of nearly pure limestones and occasional dolostones. It
can be subdivided into lower and upper facies on the basis of lithology.
The lower member is composed of a white to cream-colored, fine to medium
grained, poorly to moderately indurated, very fossiliferous limestone
(grainstone and packstone). The lower facies may not be present throughout
the areal extent of the Ocala Limestone and may be partially to completely
dolomitized in some regions (Miller,
1986). The upper facies is a white, poorly to well indurated, poorly
sorted, very fossiliferous limestone (grainstone, packstone and
wackestone). Silicified limestone (chert) is common in the upper facies.
Fossils present in the Ocala Limestone include abundant large and smaller
foraminifers, echinoids, bryozoans and mollusks. The large foraminifera
Lepidocyclina sp. is abundant in the upper facies and extremely
limited in the lower facies. The presence of these large foraminifers in
the upper facies is quite distinctive.
The Ocala
Limestone is at or near the surface within the Ocala Karst District in the
west-central to northwestern peninsula and within the Dougherty Plain
District in the north-central panhandle (Scott,
in preparation). In these areas, the Ocala Limestone exhibits
extensive karstification. These karst features often have tens of feet
(meters) of relief, dramatically influencing the topography of the Ocala
Karst District and the Dougherty Plain District (Scott,
in preparation). Numerous disappearing streams and springs occur
within these areas.
The permeable,
highly transmissive carbonates of the Ocala Limestone form an important
part of the FAS. It is one of the most permeable rock units in the FAS (Miller,
Tre -
Residuum on Eocene sediments - The post-Eocene residuum lying on Eocene
sediments in the panhandle consists of reddish brown, sandy clays and
clayey sands with inclusions of weathered Eocene limestones. Some of the
inclusions are silicified carbonates.
Oligocene Series Lower Oligocene - Rupelian
geologic maps of Florida presented the Lower Oligocene sediments exposed
at the surface or in the shallow subsurface in a variety of ways. Cooke
(1945) mapped, in ascending order, the Marianna Limestone, Byram
Formation, Suwannee Limestone and the Flint River Formation. Vernon
and Puri (1964) identified the Marianna Limestone, "Byram" Formation,
Duncan Church beds and the Suwannee Limestone. Brooks
(1982) recognized the Marianna Limestone, Suwannee Limestone and the
Duncan Church facies of the Suwannee Limestone. The variations in the
stratigraphic units are indicative of the confusion over the lithologic
recognition and subdivision of the Lower Oligocene sediments. The
confusion is at least partially due to the use of biostratigraphic data to
subdivide the lithostratigraphic units.
recognized a tripartite subdivision in the type area of the Suwannee
Limestone in northwestern peninsular Florida and proposed the Ellaville
Limestone, Suwannacoochee Dolostone and Suwannee Limestone. In the
panhandle, west of the Gulf Trough, Huddlestun
(1993) recognized the Marianna Limestone and an undifferentiated
residuum as the Oligocene sediments extending into Florida's panhandle
from Georgia. Huddlestun
(1993) also recognized Bucatunna Formation, Florala Limestone,
Bridgeboro Limestone and an unnamed marl in Okaloosa and Walton
Bryan (1991,
provides a better framework for the recognition of the various facies
within the Lower Oligocene sediments. Within this framework, the Ellaville
Limestone, Suwannacoochee Dolostone and Suwannee Limestone occur within
his Florida Platform Association east and south of the Gulf Trough. West
of the Gulf Trough in the Florida panhandle (Bryan's Eastern Gulf Shelf
Association), Bryan
(1991) recognized the Bumpnose Limestone, Marianna Limestone,
Bridgeboro Limestone, Florala Limestone, Suwannee Limestone, Byram Marl
and Bucatunna Formation.
The limited
data available, the occurrence of thin beds of some of these units and the
questionable occurrence of other units made mapping the Lower Oligocene
sediments in the central panhandle problematic. The approach selected by
FGS geologists was to combine the units into several mappable units
appropriate for the scale of the present map. These mappable units
include: undifferentiated Oligocene sediments composed of the Bumpnose
Limestone, Marianna Limestone, Bridgeboro Limestone, Florala Limestone,
Suwannee Limestone, thin beds of the Byram Marl and Bucatunna Formation
and undifferentiated Oligocene residuum (see Huddlestun
[1993] for a discussion of the origin of the residuum).
The Lower
Oligocene sediments of peninsular Florida are mapped as the Suwannee
Limestone and are not subdivided into the Ellaville Limestone,
Suwannacoochee Dolostone and Suwannee Limestone. This mapping convention
was adopted by FGS geologists due to the limited data on the areal
distribution of the Ellaville Limestone and Suwannacoochee
Ts -
Suwannee Limestone - Peninsular Lower Oligocene carbonates crop out on the
northwestern, northeastern and southwestern flanks of the Ocala Platform.
The Suwannee Limestone is absent from the eastern side of the Ocala
Platform due to erosion, nondeposition or both, an area referred to as
Orange Island (Bryan,
The Suwannee
Limestone, originally named by Cooke
and Mansfield (1936), consists of a white to cream, poorly to well
indurated, fossiliferous, vuggy to moldic limestone (grainstone and
packstone). The dolomitized parts of the Suwannee Limestone are gray, tan,
light brown to moderate brown, moderately to well indurated, finely to
coarsely crystalline, dolostone with limited occurrences of fossiliferous
(molds and casts) beds. Silicified limestone is common in Suwannee
Limestone. Fossils present in the Suwannee Limestone include mollusks,
foraminifers, corals and echinoids.
Tsm - Undifferentiated
Lower Oligocene Sediments - The undifferentiated Lower Oligocene sediments
of the central panhandle consist of white to cream-colored, poorly to well
indurated, variably fossiliferous limestones (grainstone, packstone,
wackestone and mudstone). Glauconite occurs in some sediments.
Siliciclastics form a minor component in some sediments. Thin beds of
siliciclastics (Byram Marl and Buccatuna Formation) are included in the
undifferentiated Lower Oligocene sediments. The Lower Oligocene carbonates
form important parts of the upper FAS (Miller,
Tro -
Residuum on Oligocene sediments - The undifferentiated Oligocene residuum,
mapped on parts of the Chattahoochee "Anticline", characteristically
consists of reddish brown, variably sandy clay with inclusions of variably
fossiliferous, silicified limestone (Huddlestun,
1993). The residuum includes Lower and Upper Oligocene weathered
sediments (Huddlestun,
Oligocene - Miocene Series Upper Oligocene - Middle Miocene -
Chattian - Serravalian Stage
Peninsula Lower
Hawthorn Group
investigations into the Oligocene of southern Florida documented the
existence of a thick (>330 feet [100 meters]) Upper Oligocene section
previously considered Miocene (Scott
et al., 1994; Missimer
and Scott, 1995; Brewster-Wingard
et al., 1997). The Arcadia Formation, Hawthorn Group,
previously thought to be predominantly Early Miocene (Scott,
1988), is now known to be late Early Oligocene to Middle Miocene (Brewster-Wingard
et al., 1997; Missimer,
1997). The Tampa Limestone (or Formation of previous usage [Puri
and Vernon, 1964]) is a member of the Arcadia Formation, Hawthorn
Group (Scott,
1988). The Tampa Member’s previous age assignment was latest Oligocene
to Early Miocene (Scott,
1988). Brewster-Wingard
et al. (1997) recognized the Tampa Member as being Late
Oligocene to Early Miocene.
Tha -
Hawthorn Group, Arcadia Formation - The undifferentiated Arcadia Formation
and the Tampa Member crop out on the southwestern flank of the Ocala
Platform from Pasco County southward to Sarasota County. Although ages of
the outcropping sediments have not been accurately determined,
stratigraphic position suggests that the Upper Oligocene parts of the
Arcadia Formation and Tampa Member are exposed in this region,
particularly from Hillsborough County northward to Pasco
The Arcadia
Formation, named by Scott
(1988), is predominantly a carbonate unit with a variable
siliciclastic component, including thin beds of siliciclastics. Within the
outcrop area, the Arcadia Formation, with the exception of the Tampa
Member, is composed of yellowish gray to light olive gray to light brown,
micro to finely crystalline, variably sandy, clayey, and phosphatic,
fossiliferous limestones and dolostones. Thin beds of sand and clay are
common. The sands are yellowish gray, very fine to medium grained, poorly
to moderately indurated, clayey, dolomitic and phosphatic. The clays are
yellowish gray to light olive gray, poorly to moderately indurated, sandy,
silty, phosphatic and dolomitic. Molds and casts of mollusks are common in
the dolostones. Silicified carbonates and opalized claystone are found in
the Arcadia Formation.
That -
Arcadia Formation, Tampa Member - The Tampa Member consists predominantly
of limestone with subordinate dolostone, sand and clay (Scott,
1988). The lithology of the Tampa Member is very similar to that of
the subsurface limestone part of the Arcadia Formation except that the
Tampa Member contains noticeably less phosphate (Scott,
1988). The limestone in the Tampa is white to yellowish gray,
fossiliferous and variably sandy and clayey mudstone, wackestone and
packstone with minor to no phosphate grains. Sand and clay beds are like
those in the undifferentiated Arcadia Formation. Mollusks and corals are
common in the Tampa Member as molds and casts, silicified pseudomorphs and
original shell material. The Tampa Member and the lower part of the
Arcadia Formation form the upper part of the Floridan aquifer system (FAS)
in parts of southern Florida (Miller,
1986; Scott,
Upper Oligocene
sediments are not known to crop out in the Florida panhandle. The
Chickasawhay Formation of Alabama has been traced in the subsurface into
the central panhandle but is not exposed on the Chattahoochee Anticline
Miocene Series Lower Miocene to Upper Miocene - Aquitanian to
Messinian Stage
Sediments of
the Miocene Series have been the focus of numerous investigations due to
their complex nature and widespread occurrence in Florida (see Schmidt
and Clark [1980], Huddlestun
[1988] and Scott
[1988] for a review of previous investigations). The Miocene sediments
consist of siliciclastics, carbonates and mixed siliciclastic-carbonate
lithologies with numerous lateral and vertical facies changes. Exposures
are limited and most investigations dealt with these sediments in the
sediments crop out or occur in the shallow subsurface on the northwestern
flank of the Ocala Platform in the eastern panhandle to the flanks of the
Chattahoochee "Anticline" in the central panhandle then into the western
panhandle to Okaloosa County. In the peninsula, the Miocene sediments crop
out or are in the shallow subsurface from the northern flank of the Ocala
Platform in Hamilton, Columbia and Baker Counties southward to Charlotte
County. Some of the most beautiful landscapes in the State occur where the
Miocene sediments are exposed, eroded and often affected by karstification
of underlying Paleogene carbonates.
The importance
of the Miocene sediments in Florida is twofold - first, these sediments
contain valuable mineral resources, primarily phosphate and adsorptive
clays; and, second, the Miocene sediments comprise the intermediate
confining unit and aquifer system. Whereas the principle geological hazard
associated with Paleogene carbonates is karst development, the hazards
associated with the Miocene sediments are radon gas and swelling
changes in age determinations or interpretations have occurred for the
sediments traditionally considered as Miocene in the peninsula. Puri
and Vernon (1964) recognized a simple three-fold subdivision of the
Miocene in peninsular Florida. Their subdivision of the Miocene was that
all Lower Miocene sediments were St. Marks Formation (Tampa [Note that
they used Tampa as a stage name so all sediments that had been called
Tampa were placed in the St. Marks Formation statewide]), Middle Miocene
sediments were Hawthorn Formation and Upper Miocene sediments were Tamiami
Formation. Poag
(1972) placed the lower portion of the Chattahochee Formation in the
Upper Oligocene. Currently, geologists recognize that the Hawthorn Group
spans from the mid-Oligocene to Early Pliocene (Brewster-Wingard
et al., 1997; Missimer,
1997). The Tamiami Formation is Early to Late Pliocene (Missimer,
The Miocene
lithostratigraphic units recognized by this study in the panhandle include
the Chattahoochee Formation, St. Marks Formation, Alum Bluff Group,
Torreya Formation (Hawthorn Group) and residuum. In the peninsula, the
Miocene units mapped include the undifferentiated Hawthorn Group,
Coosawhatchie Formation, Charlton Member, and the Peace River Formation
and its Bone Valley Member.
Tch -
Chattahoochee Formation - The Chattahoochee Formation, originally named by
and Stanley-Brown (1894), is predominantly a yellowish gray, poorly to
moderately indurated, fine-grained, often fossiliferous (molds and casts),
silty to finely sandy dolostone (Huddlestun,
1988). Siliciclastic beds and limestones may be present.
Chattahoochee Formation is exposed in Jackson County, central panhandle,
on the Chattahoochee "Anticline". It grades laterally across the Gulf
Trough into the St. Marks Formation through a broad transition area (Scott,
1986). The Chattahoochee Formation forms the upper part of the FAS in
the central panhandle.
Tsmk -
St. Marks Formation - The Lower Miocene St. Marks Formation, named by Finch
(1823), is exposed in Wakulla, Leon and Jefferson Counties on the
northwestern flank of the Ocala Platform. It is a white to yellowish gray,
poorly to moderately indurated, sandy, fossiliferous (molds and casts)
limestone (packstone to wackestone). Mollusk molds and casts are often
abundant. The St. Marks Formation makes up the upper part of the FAS in
part of the eastern panhandle.
Hawthorn Group
The Hawthorn
Group in Florida is composed of a number of different formations and
members (Scott,
1988; Huddlestun,
1988). Most of the formations are defined from subsurface evaluations.
As a result, for mapping purposes, all the component formations are not
recognized on the geologic map.
In the eastern
panhandle, the upper Lower Miocene Torreya Formation, including the
Dogtown and Sopchoppy Members (Huddlestun
and Hunter, 1982), comprises the entire Hawthorn Group (Scott,
1988). The Dogtown and Sopchoppy Members are not delineated on the
In northern
peninsular Florida, the Hawthorn Group consists of the lower Lower Miocene
Penney Farms Formation and, rarely, the Parachucla Formation; the upper
Lower Miocene Marks Head Formation; the Middle Miocene Coosawhatchie
Formation and the Statenville Formation (Scott,
1988; Huddlestun,
1988). The Charlton Member of the Coosawhatchie Formation is
recognized in a limited area. The Penney Farms and Marks Head Formations
are not recognized cropping out in significant exposures. The
undifferentiated Hawthorn Group was mapped where component formations were
questionable or difficult to differentiate due to very limited
In southern
peninsular Florida, the Hawthorn Group formations include the Upper
Oligocene to Middle Miocene Arcadia Formation including the Tampa and
Nocatee Members and the Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene Peace River
Formation with its Bone Valley Member and Wabasso beds (Scott,
1988). The Nocatee Member of the Arcadia Formation and the Wabasso
beds of the Peace River Formation were not recognized at or near land
surface and do not appear on the geologic map.
Tht -
Torreya Formation - The Torreya Formation is exposed or near the surface
from western Gadsden County eastward to western-most Hamilton County. It
is informally subdivided into a lower carbonate unit and an upper
siliciclastic unit (Scott,
1988). The majority of Torreya Formation outcrops expose the
siliciclastic part of the unit. The carbonate sediments are white to light
olive gray, generally poorly indurated, variably sandy and clayey,
fossiliferous (molds and casts) limestone (mudstone and wackestone). The
limestones often grade into calcareous-cemented sands. Phosphate is
present in the carbonate sediments, particularly in the Sopchoppy Member.
The siliciclastics vary from white to light olive gray, unconsolidated to
poorly indurated, slightly clayey sands with minor phosphate to light gray
to bluish gray, poorly consolidated, variably silty clay (Dogtown Member).
The siliciclastics are sporadically fossiliferous. The Torreya Formation
overlies the FAS and forms part of the intermediate confining unit/aquifer
Thc -
Coosawhatchie Formation - The Coosawhatchie Formation is exposed or lies
beneath a thin overburden on the eastern flank of the Ocala Platform from
southern Columbia County to southern Marion County. Within the outcrop
region, the Coosawhatchie Formation varies from a light gray to olive
gray, poorly consolidated, variably clayey and phosphatic sand with few
fossils, to an olive gray, poorly to moderately consolidated, slightly
sandy, silty clay with few to no fossils. Occasionally the sands will
contain a dolomitic component and, rarely, the dominant lithology will be
dolostone or limestone. Silicified nodules are often present in the
Coosawhatchie Formation sediments in the outcrop region. The sediment may
contain 20 percent or more phosphate (Scott,
1988). Permeability of the Coosawhatchie sediments is generally low,
forming part of the intermediate confining unit/aquifer system.
Thcc -
Coosawhatchie Formation, Charlton Member - The Charlton Member (originally
the Charlton formation, Veatch
and Stevenson, 1911), crops out only in northern Nassau County near
and along the St. Marys River. The Charlton Member in this area consists
primarily of light gray to greenish gray, poorly to moderately
consolidated, dolomitic to calcareous, silty, sandy, locally fossiliferous
clays. Few carbonate beds occur.
Ths -
Statenville Formation - The Statenville Formation occurs at or near the
surface in a limited area of Hamilton, Columbia and Baker Counties on the
northeastern flank of the Ocala Platform. The formation consists of
interbedded sands, clays and dolostones with common to very abundant
phosphate grains. The sands predominate and are light gray to light olive
gray, poorly indurated, phosphatic, fine to coarse grained with scattered
gravel and with minor occurrences of fossils. Clays are yellowish gray to
olive gray, poorly consolidated, variably sandy and phosphatic, and
variably dolomitic. The dolostones, which occur as thin beds, are
yellowish gray to light orange, poorly to well indurated, sandy, clayey
and phosphatic with scattered mollusk molds and casts. Phosphate occurs in
the Statenville Formation in economically important amounts. Silicified
fossils and opalized claystones are found in the Statenville Formation.
Permeability of these sediments is generally low, forming part of the
intermediate confining unit/aquifer system.
Th - Undifferentiated
Hawthorn Group - The undifferentiated Hawthorn Group occurs at or near the
surface near the southern flank of the Ocala Platform from Gilchrist
County southward to Pasco County with isolated occurrences in Pinellas
County. Correlation of these sediments to the formations of the Hawthorn
Group exposed to the east and in the subsurface is uncertain. There is
little to no phosphate present in these sediments and fossils are rare.
Ages have not been documented but stratigraphic position suggests
inclusion in the Hawthorn Group. These sediments may be residual from the
weathering and erosion of the Hawthorn Group. The Hawthorn Group sediments
on the Brooksville Ridge are deeply weathered and in some outcrops look
like Cypresshead Formation siliciclastics.
undifferentiated Hawthorn Group sediments are light olive gray and blue
gray in unweathered sections to reddish brown in deeply weathered
sections, poorly to moderately consolidated, clayey sands to silty clays
and relatively pure clays. These sediments are part of the intermediate
confining unit/aquifer system and provide an effective aquitard for the
FAS, except where perforated by karst features.
phosphate deposits are associated with the undifferentiated Hawthorn Group
sediments on the eastern flank of the Brooksville Ridge. The hard rock
phosphate deposits were formed by the dissolution of phosphate in the
Hawthorn sediments and redeposition in karst features.
Tab -
Alum Bluff Group - West of the Apalachicola River, the Hawthorn Group is
replaced by the Alum Bluff Group. The Alum Bluff Group includes the
Chipola Formation, Oak Grove Sand, Shoal River Formation, Choctawhatchee
Formation and the Jackson Bluff Formation (Huddlestun,
1984; Braunstein
et al., 1988). The formations included in this group are
generally defined on the basis of their molluscan faunas and stratigraphic
position (Schmidt
and Clark, 1980). Puri
(1953) described sediment facies as they relate to the formations of
the Alum Bluff Group These sediments are lithologically distinct as a
group, not as individual units. Brooks
(1982) mapped much of the Alum Bluff Group as the Shoal River
Formation. The Alum Bluff Group crops out or is beneath a thin overburden
in the western panhandle from river valleys in Okaloosa County eastward to
western Jackson County.
The Alum Bluff
Group consists of clays, sands and shell beds which may vary from
fossiliferous, sandy clays to unfossiliferous sands and clays and
occasional carbonate beds (Huddlestun,
1984). Mica is a common constituent and glauconite and phosphate occur
sporadically. Induration varies from essentially nonindurated in sands to
well indurated in carbonate lenses. Colors range from cream to olive gray
with mottled reddish brown in weathered sections. Sand grain size varies
from very fine to very coarse with sporadic occurrences of gravel. These
sediments generally have low permeabilities and are part of the
intermediate confining unit/aquifer system.
Trm - Residuum on Miocene
sediments - The undifferentiated Miocene residuum, mapped on parts of the
Chattahoochee "Anticline", characteristically consists of reddish brown,
variably sandy clay with inclusions of variably fossiliferous, silicified
limestone. The residuum includes Lower to Upper Miocene and younger
weathered sediments.
Miocene - Pliocene Series Middle Miocene-Lower Pliocene,
Serravalian - Zanclean Stage
Thp -
Peace River Formation - The Peace River Formation crops out or is beneath
a thin overburden on the southern part of the Ocala Platform extending
into the Okeechobee Basin. These sediments were mapped from Hillsborough
County southward to Charlotte County. Within this area, the Peace River
Formation is composed of interbedded sands, clays and carbonates. The
sands are generally light gray to olive gray, poorly consolidated, clayey,
variably dolomitic, very fine to medium grained and phosphatic. The clays
are yellowish gray to olive gray, poorly to moderately consolidated,
sandy, silty, phosphatic and dolomitic. The carbonates are usually
dolostone in the outcrop area. The dolostones are light gray to yellowish
gray, poorly to well indurated, variably sandy and clayey, and phosphatic.
Opaline chert is often found in these sediments. The phosphate content of
the Peace River Formation sands is frequently high enough to be
economically mined. Fossil mollusks occur as reworked casts, molds, and
limited original shell material. Silicified corals and wood, and
vertebrate fossils are also present. The Peace River Formation is
widespread in southern Florida. It is part of the intermediate confining
unit/aquifer system.
Thpb -
Bone Valley Member, Peace River Formation - The Bone Valley Member
(originally the Bone Valley Formation of Matson
and Clapp, 1909), Peace River Formation occurs in a limited area on
the southern part of the Ocala Platform in Hillsborough, Polk and Hardee
Counties. Throughout its extent, the Bone Valley Member is a clastic unit
consisting of sand-sized and larger phosphate grains in a matrix of quartz
sand, silt and clay. The lithology is highly variable, ranging from sandy,
silty, phosphatic clays and relatively pure clays to clayey, phosphatic
sands to sandy, clayey phosphorites (Webb
and Crissinger, 1983). In general, consolidation is poor and colors
range from white, light brown and yellowish gray to olive gray and blue
green. Mollusks are found as reworked, often phosphatized casts.
Vertebrate fossils occur in many of the beds within the Bone Valley
Member. Shark’s teeth are often abundant. Silicified corals and wood are
occasionally present as well.
The Bone Valley
Member is an extremely important, unique phosphate deposit and has
provided much of the phosphate production in the United States during the
twentieth century. Mining of phosphate in the outcrop area began in 1888
1985) and continues to the present.
Pliocene Series Lower Pliocene to Upper Pliocene - Zanclean to
Piacenzian Stage
Pliocene sediments have been the focus of numerous, primarily
paleontologic, investigations due to abundant and diverse molluscan
faunas. Although the majority of the Pliocene sediments are
unfossiliferous siliciclastics, well preserved shell beds in southern
Florida have attracted much attention (see papers in Scott
and Allmon [1992]; Zullo
et al.[1993]; Missimer
[1997]). Despite the attention to these units, the lithostratigraphy
of the Pliocene units remains poorly understood.
sediments are distributed widely in Florida. In the panhandle and northern
two-thirds of the peninsula the Pliocene sediments are predominantly
unfossiliferous siliciclastics. In the southern one-third of the
peninsula, the Pliocene sediments are often fossiliferous siliciclastics
with carbonates becoming more abundant in southwestern Florida. The facies
relationships within the marine Pliocene sediments of southern Florida are
quite complex.
Tt -
Tamiami Formation - The Tamiami Formation (Mansfield,
1939) is a poorly defined lithostratigraphic unit containing a wide
range of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic lithologies and associated faunas
1992). It occurs at or near the land surface in Charlotte, Lee,
Hendry, Collier and Monroe Counties in the southern peninsula. A number of
named and unnamed members are recognized within the Tamiami Formation.
These include: the Buckingham Limestone Member; an unnamed tan clay and
sand; an oyster (Hyotissa) facies, a sand facies, the Ochopee
Limestone Member, the Bonita Springs Marl Member; an unnamed limestone
facies; the Golden Gate Reef Member; and the Pinecrest Sand Member (Missimer,
1992). The individual members of the Tamiami Formation were not
separately mapped on the geological map.
Lithologies of
the Tamiami Formation in the mapped area include: 1) light gray to tan,
unconsolidated, fine to coarse grained, fossiliferous sand; 2) light gray
to green, poorly consolidated, fossiliferous sandy clay to clayey sand; 3)
light gray, poorly consolidated, very fine to medium grained, calcareous,
fossiliferous sand; 4) white to light gray, poorly consolidated, sandy,
fossiliferous limestone; and 5) white to light gray, moderately to well
indurated, sandy, fossiliferous limestone. Phosphate is present in
virtually all lithologies as limited quantities of sand- to gravel-sized
grains. Fossils present in the Tamiami occur as molds, casts and original
material. The fossils present include barnacles, mollusks, corals,
echinoids, foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton.
The Tamiami
Formation has highly permeable to impermeable lithologies that form a
complex aquifer. Locally, it is part of the surficial aquifer system. In
other areas, it forms a part of the intermediate confining unit/aquifer
Tjb -
Jackson Bluff Formation - The Jackson Bluff Formation, named by Vernon
and Puri (1964), occurs at or near the surface in a limited area of
the panhandle in Leon, Liberty and Wakulla Counties. It has attracted much
attention due to its abundant fossil molluscan fauna (Huddlestun,
1984; Schmidt,
In the outcrop
area, the Jackson Bluff Formation is described as a sandy, clayey shell
bed (Schmidt,
1984). It is composed of tan to orange-brown to gray green, poorly
consolidated, fossiliferous, sandy clays to clayey sands. Fossils present
include abundant mollusks, corals, foraminifers and occasional vertebrate
Tic -
Intracoastal Formation - Limited exposures and shallow subsurface
occurrences of the Intracoastal Formation have been reported in
northwestern Florida (Bay, Franklin, Liberty and Wakulla Counties) (Schmidt,
1984). In the subsurface, it occurs to the west across the
Apalachicola Embayment (Huddlestun,
1984; Schmidt,
Intracoastal Formation is composed of light gray to olive gray, poorly
indurated, sandy, clayey, highly fossiliferous limestone (grainstone and
packstone). The fossils present include foraminifers, mollusks, barnacles,
echinoids and ostracods. Quartz sand varies from very fine to coarse
grained (Huddlestun,
Tci -
Citronelle Formation - The Citronelle Formation is widespread in the Gulf
Coastal Plain. The type section for the Citronelle Formation, named by Matson
(1916), is near Citronelle, Alabama. The Citronelle Formation grades
laterally, through a broad facies transition, into the Miccosukee
Formation of the eastern Florida panhandle. Coe
(1979) investigated the Citronelle Formation in portions of the
western Florida panhandle. The Citronelle Formation is a siliciclastic,
deltaic deposit that is lithologically similar to, and time equivalent
with, the Cypresshead Formation and, at least in part, the Long Key
Formation (Cunningham
et al., 1998) of the peninsula. In the western panhandle, some
of the sediments mapped as Citronelle Formation may be reworked
Citronelle. The lithologies are the same and there are few fossils present
to document a possible younger age.
The Citronelle
Formation consists of gray to orange, often mottled, unconsolidated to
poorly consolidated, very fine to very coarse, poorly sorted, clean to
clayey sands. It contains significant amounts of clay, silt and gravel
which may occur as beds and lenses and may vary considerably over short
distances. Limonite nodules and limonite-cemented beds are common. Marine
fossils are rare but fossil pollen, plant remains and occasional
vertebrates are found.
Much of the
Citronelle Formation is highly permeable. It forms the Sand and Gravel
Aquifer of the surficial aquifer system.
Tmc - Miccosukee Formation
- The Miccosukee Formation, named by Hendry
and Yon (1967), is a siliciclastic unit with a limited distribution in
the eastern panhandle. It occurs in the Tallahassee Hills from central
Gadsden County to eastern Madison County, often capping hills. The
Miccosukee Formation grades to the west, through a broad facies
transition, in central Gadsden County into the Citronelle Formation. The
Miccosukee Formation is a prodeltaic deposit.
The Miccosukee
Formation is composed of grayish orange to grayish red, mottled, poorly to
moderately consolidated, interbedded clay, sand and gravel of varying
coarseness and admixtures (Hendry
and Yon, 1967). The unit is relatively impermeable but is considered a
part of the surficial aquifer system (Southeastern
Geological Society, 1986).
Tc - Cypresshead Formation
- The Cypresshead Formation named by Huddlestun
(1988), is composed of siliciclastics and occurs only in the peninsula
and eastern Georgia. It is at or near the surface from northern Nassau
County southward to Highlands County forming the peninsular highlands. It
appears that the Cypresshead Formation occurs in the subsurface southward
from the outcrop region and similar sediments, the Long Key Formation,
underlie the Florida Keys. The Cypresshead Formation is a shallow marine,
near shore deposit equivalent to the Citronelle Formation deltaic
sediments and the Miccosukee Formation prodeltaic sediments.
The Cypresshead
Formation consists of reddish brown to reddish orange, unconsolidated to
poorly consolidated, fine to very coarse grained, clean to clayey sands.
Cross bedded sands are common within the formation. Discoid quartzite
pebbles and mica are often present. Clay beds are scattered and not
areally extensive. In general, the Cypresshead Formation in exposure
occurs above 100 feet (30 meters) above mean sea level (msl).
Original fossil
material is not present in the sediments although poorly preserved molds
and casts of mollusks and burrow structures are occasionally present. The
presence of these fossil "ghosts" and trace fossils documents marine
influence on deposition of the Cypresshead sediments.
The permeable
sands of the Cypresshead Formation form part of the surficial aquifer
Tertiary-Quaternary Systems
TQu -
Undifferentiated Tertiary-Quaternary Sediments - These sediments are
siliciclastics that are separated from undifferentiated Quaternary
sediments solely on the basis of elevation. Based on the suggestion that
the Pleistocene sea levels reached a maximum of approximately 100 feet (30
meters) msl (Colquhoun,
1969), these sediments, which occur above 100 feet (30 meters) msl,
are predominantly older than Pleistocene but contain some sediments
reworked during the Pleistocene. This unit may include fluvial and aeolian
deposits. The undifferentiated Tertiary-Quaternary sediments occur in a
band extending from the Georgia-Florida state line in Baker and Columbia
Counties southward to Alachua County.
These sediments
are gray to blue green, unconsolidated to poorly consolidated, fine to
coarse grained, clean to clayey, unfossiliferous sands, sandy clays and
clays. Organic debris and disseminated organics are present in these
undifferentiated Tertiary-Quaternary sediments are part of the surficial
aquifer system.
TQd -
Tertiary-Quaternary Dunes - The dune sediments are fine to medium quartz
sand with varying amounts of disseminated organic matter. The sands form
dunes at elevations greater than 100 feet (30 meters) msl.
TQuc -
Undifferentiated reworked Cypresshead Formation - This unit is the result
of post depositional reworking of the Cypresshead siliciclastics. The
sediments are fine to coarse quartz sands with scattered quartz gravel and
varying percentages of clay matrix.
Pliocene - Pleistocene Series
TQsu -
Tertiary-Quaternary Fossiliferous Sediments of Southern Florida -
Mollusk-bearing sediments of southern Florida contain some of the most
abundant and diverse fossil faunas in the world. The origin of these
accumulations of fossil mollusks is imprecisely known (Allmon,
1992). The shell beds have attracted much attention due to the
abundance and preservation of the fossils but the biostratigraphy and
lithostratigraphy of the units has not been well defined (Scott,
1992). Scott
and Wingard (1995) discussed the problems associated with
biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene in southern
Florida. These "formations" are biostratigraphic units.
"formations" previously recognized within the latest Tertiary-Quaternary
section of southern Florida include the latest Pliocene - early
Pleistocene Caloosahatchee Formation, the early Pleistocene Bermont
formation (informal) and the late Pleistocene Fort Thompson Formation.
This section consists of fossiliferous sands and carbonates. The
identification of these units is problematic unless the significant
molluscan species are recognized. Often exposures are not extensive enough
to facilitate the collection of representative faunal samples to properly
discern the biostratigraphic identification of the formation. In an
attempt to alleviate the inherent problems in the biostratigraphic
recognition of lithostratigraphic units, Scott
(1992) suggested grouping the latest Pliocene through late Pleistocene
Caloosahatchee, Bermont and Fort Thompson Formations in to a single
lithostratigraphic entity, the Okeechobee formation (informal). In mapping
the shelly sands and carbonates, a generalized grouping as
Tertiary-Quaternary shell units (TQsu) was utilized. This is equivalent to
the informal Okeechobee formation. The distribution of the Caloosahatchee
and Fort Thompson Formation are shown on previous geologic maps by Cooke
(1945), Vernon
and Puri (1964) and Brooks
The Nashua
Formation occurs within the Pliocene - Pleistocene in northern Florida.
However, it crops out or is near the surface is an area too small to be
shown on a map of this scale.
these sediments are complex, varying from unconsolidated, variably
calcareous and fossiliferous quartz sands to well indurated, sandy,
fossiliferous limestones (both marine and freshwater). Clayey sands and
sandy clays are present. These sediments form part of the surficial
aquifer system
Pleistocene Series
Qa -
Anastasia Formation - The Atlantic Coastal Ridge is underlain by the
Anastasia Formation from St. Johns County southward to Palm Beach County.
Excellent exposures occur in Flagler County in Washington Oaks State Park,
in Martin County at the House of Refuge on Hutchinson Island and at
Blowing Rocks in Palm Beach County. An impressive exposure of Anastasia
Formation sediments occurs along Country Club Road in Palm Beach County
1992). The Anastasia Formation generally is recognized near the coast
but extends inland as much as 20 miles (32 kilometers) in St. Lucie and
Martin Counties.
The Anastasia
Formation, named by Sellards
(1912),is composed of interbedded sands and coquinoid limestones. The
most recognized facies of the Anastasia sediments is an orangish brown,
unindurated to moderately indurated, coquina of whole and fragmented
mollusk shells in a matrix of sand often cemented by sparry calcite. Sands
occur as light gray to tan and orangish brown, unconsolidated to
moderately indurated, unfossiliferous to very fossiliferous beds. The
Anastasia Formation forms part of the surficial aquifer system.
Qk - Key
Largo Limestone - The Key Largo Limestone, named by Sanford
(1909), is exposed at the surface in the Florida Keys from Soldier Key
on the northeast to Newfound Harbor Keys near Big Pine Key on the
southwest (Hoffmeister,
1974). This unit is a fossil coral reef much like the present day
reefs offshore from the Keys. An exceptional exposure of the Key Largo
Limestone occurs in the Windley Key Quarry State Geological Site in the
upper Florida Keys. Exposures of the limestone containing large coral
heads are in a series of old quarries.
The Key Largo
Limestone is a white to light gray, moderately to well indurated,
fossiliferous, coralline limestone composed of coral heads encased in a
calcarenitic matrix. Little to no siliciclastic sediment is found in these
sediments. Fossils present include corals, mollusks and bryozoans. It is
highly porous and permeable and is part of the Biscayne Aquifer of the
surficial aquifer system
Qm -
Miami Limestone - The Miami Limestone (formerly the Miami Oolite), named
by Sanford
(1909), occurs at or near the surface in southeastern peninsular
Florida from Palm Beach County to Dade and Monroe Counties. It forms the
Atlantic Coastal Ridge and extends beneath the Everglades where it is
commonly covered by thin organic and freshwater sediments. The Miami
Limestone occurs on the mainland and in the southern Florida Keys from Big
Pine Key to the Marquesas Keys. From Big Pine Key to the mainland, the
Miami Limestone is replaced by the Key Largo Limestone. To the north, in
Palm Beach County, the Miami Limestone grades laterally northward into the
Anastasia Formation.
The Miami
Limestone consists of two facies, an oolitic facies and a bryozoan facies
et al. [1967]). The oolitic facies consists of white to
orangish gray, poorly to moderately indurated, sandy, oolitic limestone
(grainstone) with scattered concentrations of fossils. The bryozoan facies
consists of white to orangish gray, poorly to well indurated, sandy,
fossiliferous limestone (grainstone and packstone). Beds of quartz sand
are also present as unindurated sediments and indurated limey sandstones.
Fossils present include mollusks, bryozoans, and corals. Molds and casts
of fossils are common. The highly porous and permeable Miami Limestone
forms much of the Biscayne Aquifer of the surficical aquifer
Qal Qbd Qtr
Qu -
Undifferentiated Quaternary Sediments - Much of Florida’s surface is
covered by a varying thickness of undifferentiated sediments consisting of
siliciclastics, organics and freshwater carbonates. Where these sediments
exceed 20 feet (6.1 meters) thick, they were mapped as discrete units. In
an effort to subdivide the undifferentiated sediments, those sediments
occurring in flood plains were mapped as alluvial and flood plain deposits
(Qal). Sediments showing surficial expression of beach ridges and dunes
were mapped separately (Qbd) as were the sediments composing Trail Ridge
(Qtr). Terrace sands were not mapped (refer to Healy
[1975] for a discussion of the terraces in Florida). The subdivisions
of the Undifferentiated Quaternary Sediments (Qu) are not
lithostratigraphic units but are utilized in order to facilitate a better
understanding of the State’s geology.
siliciclastics are light gray, tan, brown to black, unconsolidated to
poorly consolidated, clean to clayey, silty, unfossiliferous, variably
organic-bearing sands to blue green to olive green, poorly to moderately
consolidated, sandy, silty clays. Gravel is occasionally present in the
panhandle. Organics occur as plant debris, roots, disseminated organic
matrix and beds of peat. Freshwater carbonates, often referred to as marls
in the literature, are scattered over much of the State. In southern
Florida, freshwater carbonates are nearly ubiquitous in the Everglades.
These sediments are buff colored to tan, unconsolidated to poorly
consolidated, fossiliferous carbonate muds. Sand, silt and clay may be
present in limited quantities. These carbonates often contain organics.
The dominant fossils in the freshwater carbonates are mollusks.
Holocene Series
Qh -
Holocene Sediments - The Holocene sediments in Florida occur near the
present coastline at elevations generally less than 5 feet (1.5 meters).
The sediments include quartz sands, carbonate sands and muds, and
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