3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Lei Wu
Session Name Posters - Water Treatment and Aquatic Chemistry
Category Water Chemistry
Poster Number 85
Author(s) Lei  Wu,  Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (Presenting Author)
  Bin  Gao,  Agricultural and Biological Engineering
  Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
  Experimental Analysis of Colloid Capture by a Cylindrical Collector in Laminar Overland Flow
  Transport of colloidal particles by a cylindrical collector is not only governed by the rate at which the colloid strike the collector but also the fraction of the contacts between colloids and the collector that successfully results in attachment. In this study, the attachment efficiency (α) of colloid capture by a cylindrical collector in laminar overland flow was examined through laboratory flow chamber experiments and theoretical analysis. Florescent microspheres of various sizes were used as experimental colloids. The colloid suspensions were applied to a glass cylinder (simulated plants stem) installed in a small size flow chamber at different flow rates. Different solution ironic strengths (IS) coupled with pH were applied to simulate unfavorable attachment conditions. Our results showed that at a given ironic strength and colloidal particle, decreases in flow velocity increased the value of α and critical value of velocity might exist at which α did not change with decrease of velocity. In addition, the critical value of flow velocity varied with different IS and colloidal particles. Several analytical and numerical methods were used to predict the attachment efficiency (α). Comparison of experimental results and corresponding predictions showed that Maxwell model coupled with torque approach (DLVO force and hydrodynamic drag force) can acutely predict the attachment efficiency by a cylindrical collector in laminar overland flow under most conditions.