3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Daniel Penniman
Session Name Posters - Social, Behavioral, and Economic Aspects of Nutrient Management
Category Social, behavioral, and economic aspects of nutrient Management
Poster Number 48
Author(s) Daniel  Penniman,  SNRE program  (Presenting Author)
  Mark  Hostetler ,  Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
  Glenn Acomb, Landscape Architecture
  Tatiana  Borisova , Food and Resource Economics
  Cost Analysis of Low Impact Development Stormwater Treatment Methods in Florida
  Low Impact Development (LID) is a fairly new practice used to treat stormwater, and it has been shown to effectively reduce pollutant loading. A 2007 USEPA study indicated that LID projects may be cost effective, however, there has been a lack of research on the economic costs of implementing LID in Florida. The objectives of this study are (1) to compare LID costs to conventional stormwater treatment costs for construction in Florida; (2) to create a cost profile of different LID methods for stormwater treatment; and (3) to identify the primary barriers for firms attempting to implement LID in Florida. Using a snowball sampling method, we identified 30 design firms throughout Florida that have used LID within the planning and/or other stages of residential development projects. A combination of online surveys, a specialized cost data collection tool and phone interviews with key employees of the firms is being used to obtain opinions and cost data. Preliminary results will be presented from these surveys and interviews. The findings from this research will help better inform the Florida design/development industry on economic aspects of LID, help regulatory bodies craft policies to encourage LID implementation, and provide a source of information/data for proper consideration of LID costs and benefits.