3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Nicole Dobbs
Session Name Posters - Understanding Natural, Anthropogenic and Legacy Sources of Nutrients
Category Understanding natural, anthropogenic and legacy sources of nutrients
Poster Number 57
Author(s) Nicole Dobbs,  University of Florida (Presenting Author)
  Kati Migliaccio,  University of Florida
  Michael Dukes, University of Florida
  Kelly Morgan, University of Florida
  Yuncong Li, University of Florida
  Interactive Tool for Simulating Water and Nutrient Management in a Virtual Turfgrasss System
  With increasing demands on freshwater with increasing population in Florida, there is a need to promote water conservation practices by homeowners, including outdoor water use. Nutrient pollution from nonpoint sources such as residential land threatens water quality and is especially a concern in an urban setting because of the proximity to drinking water sources. The purpose of this virtual tool is to provide homeowners and landscape professionals with the knowledge to experiment and improve irrigation scheduling and fertilizer application practices to conserve water and reduce nutrient losses. The objectives are (1) develop simple model to simulate the soil water balance and nutrient losses based on site-specific soil characteristics, irrigation schedule, real-time weather data, use of water-saving irrigation device (e.g., rain sensor, soil water sensor, evapotranspiration controller), and type of fertilizer applied (i.e., soluble or slow-release nitrogen) and (2) provide homeowners and landscape professionals with an interactive tool to evaluate and improve irrigation scheduling and fertilizer application practices. The tool will be freely available on the Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) website. Based on site-specific user inputs (e.g., root zone depth, soil type, irrigation type, location), the tool will provide the user with feedback via email on the water volume applied, percent of nitrogen and water leached, number of water stressed days and nutrient stressed days, a visual graphic of the quality of the turf, and tips on improving irrigation and fertilization.