3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Darina Palacio
Session Name Posters - Understanding Natural, Anthropogenic and Legacy Sources of Nutrients
Category Understanding natural, anthropogenic and legacy sources of nutrients
Poster Number 65
Author(s) Darina Palacio,  University of Florida  (Presenting Author)
  Water Resource Management Challenges in Florida: Geospatial Assessment of Stream Impairment
  We are at a critical time for environmental science within the state of Florida, particularly in water resource management and stream restoration sciences. Many of our streams are currently impaired based on previous metrics and many may potentially be impaired when compared to the recent Numeric Nutrient Criteria legislation. The 2010 Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida (2010) reported that well over 50% of stream miles assessed for water quality were impaired in at least one criterion and required the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL). In the area of biological status, assessments made using the BioRecon and SCI tools found that approximately 37% and 21% of measurements failed to meet the required metrics of stream health. There will be a need for increasing restoration efforts in the near future to improve the health of our streams and rivers. This poster aims to spatially assess areas where stream impairment are most concentrated. Various data that identifies stream impairment were used in this analysis. Using geospatial statistics, areas with a high density stream impairment were identified. Areas were assessed using various administrative, political and natural boundaries. The results of the spatial analysis demonstrates trends for stream impairment which can be utilized to develop restoration strategies across the state.