3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Alejandro Bolques
Session Name Posters - Efficacy of Nutrient Source Control Strategies 1
Category Efficacy of nutrient source control strategies
Poster Number 1
Author(s) Alejandro Bolques,  UF/IFAS Gadsden County Extension (Presenting Author)
  Jennifer Cherrier,  FAMU Environmental Sciences Institute
  Michael Abazinge, FAMU Environmental Sciences Institute
  Application of a bioretention/rain garden system to mitigate irrigation runoff from a container plant nursery production bed
  Bioretention and rain garden systems are stormwater management strategies designed to capture, retain or detain surface runoff to slow the flow, promote plant root uptake of contaminants and encourage soil infiltration. Benefits to the environment associated with bioretention/rain gardens include: improved water quality, enhanced groundwater recharge, suspended particle reduction, reduced surface flows and associated erosion, habitat creation for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects. In 2008, a bioretention/rain garden was installed at a container plant nursery in north Florida to evaluate the effectiveness of the system to mitigate nutrients in runoff from an ornamental plant production bed. Three native plant species were installed in one of two gardens with the other left unplanted. Nutrient analysis for nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc contaminants, pre and post exposure to the rain garden, has shown nutrient reductions for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate-nitrogen and phosphates. It is anticipated that results from this study will supplement container plant nursery production bed irrigation runoff management practices.