3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Yilin Zhuang
Session Name Posters - Governance Approaches to Nutrient Management
Category Governance approaches to nutrient management
Poster Number 10
Author(s) Yilin Zhuang,  University of South Florida (Presenting Author)
  Haiping Yin,  University of South Florida
  Keshav Pokhrel, University of South Florida
  Edward  Dimarco, University of South Florida
  A System Dynamics Approach to Municipal Water and Energy Resources Management in Hillsborough County
  The rapidly growing population is placing increasing stress on water and energy resources management. Population drives the municipal water and energy demand, at the mean while, different water supply sources, such as reclaimed water, sea water desalination, also have different energy requirement. There are few studies that consider both water and energy resources in a unified system despite of their intricate interactions. System Dynamics (SD) is capable of capturing the dynamic relationships within a system and simulating the behaviors produced by the system. This study develops an Integrated Municipal Water and Energy resources Management (IMWEM) SD model for Hillsborough County by capturing the water-energy-population interactions. Water and energy are linked by the energy rate. IMWEM is a demand driven simulation model because municipal water supply usually is the priority of water supply system. Efforts will be taken to first meet the municipal water demand. IMWEM investigates the impacts of different policy options on the water and energy demand. Scenarios include the influence of unemployment rate, population growth, different water supply sources, water conservation, and energy conservation. The simulated results will be consulted with local authorities and stakeholders. Ultimately, IMWEM provides supportive information for decision makers on an effective and comprehensive resources management strategy.