3rd UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Rahul Tripathi
Session Name Posters - Innovative Biological, Physical, and Chemical Nutrient Reduction & Recovery Technologies
Category Innovative biological, physical, and chemical nutrient reduction & recovery technologies
Poster Number 28
Author(s) Rahul Tripathi,  Department of Pharmaceutics, I.T., Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, India (Presenting Author)
  Brahmeshwar Mishra,  Department of Pharmaceutics, I.T., Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, India
  Polyacrylamide Grafted Hydrogel Balls of Sodium Alginate-Psyllium for Water Restoration
  The present study deals with the development of polyacrylamide (PA) grafted hydrogel balls of sodium alginate (NaAlg) and psyllium (PSY) which could hold water up to a great extent and be reused after a multiple squeezing without demise of its water holding capability. Grafting carried out by the reaction of different concentrations of monomer [acrylamide; 2.9 x10-1 and 4.35 x10-1 mole/L], crosslinker [N-N’ methylene bis acrylamide; 19.45 x10-3 and 29.16 x10-3 mole/L] and initiator [ammonium persulfate; 1.09 x10-2 and 2.19 x10-2 mole/L] in an aqueous solution of NaAlg and PSY at a controlled temperature of 350C for 4 hours. Ionotropic gelation method was used to obtain spherical polyacrylamide grafted hydrogel balls (PA-g-HB). The characterizations were done by FT-IR spectroscopy, XRD, CHN analysis and DSC. Percent grafting, grafting efficiency, swelling study were carried out. Water holding capacity and mechanical strength of PA-g-CB were studied by In-house developed modified syringe method. FT-IR and DSC results showed that PA and cellulose networks of NaAlg and PSY were held together by hydrogen bond and secondary valence forces. CHN analysis and XRD data supports the successful grafting. The water holding capacity ranged between 3.03-4.35 ml/gm in all the grafted batches. Chain relaxation or uncoiling of hydrogels of grafted polymer promotes expansion of PA-g-HB. Water imbibes through diffusion dependent kinetics within these balls. Sizes of these macroballs were found between 3-4.5 mm. Grafting could give sufficient mechanical strength to PA-g-HB that could hold large amount of water. The potential application of these hydrogel macroballs could be in the diversified areas of water conservation. PA-g-HB could be commercialized as economical soaking carrier system for waste water management. References Aouada F. A.; Moura M. R.; Orts W. J.; Mattoso L. H. C.; J. Mater. Sci. 2010, 45, 4977.