Submitter's Name |
Nathan Johnson |
Session Name |
Poster Session: Impact of changing drivers on water resources |
Poster Number |
27 |
Author(s) |
Tonya Simmons, Simmons Environmental |
Nathan Johnson,
SJRWMD (Presenting Author) |
SJRWMD development of regional water shortage management responses and recommended phased response methods |
The District hired the Contractor Simmons Environmental which begin this project with a literature review of methods, process, both quantitative and qualitative, used to develop phased approaches to demand management in cases of water shortage.
After the literature review was complete and the methods explored in the literature review were identified and summarized, the contractor recommended a resource based approach. The spatial extent of sentinels or key indicators was determined, in order to identify the monthly demand data necessary for analysis.
A pilot area was selected and regional water resource data was provided by District staff for the analysis phase of the project. The sentinels or key indicators analyzed considered the springs and lake regional systems and the respective regional aquifer they impacted. The analysis included the development of percentile groundwater levels converted to phases of drought. Probabilities of occurrence and interactions between phases for going into and coming out of drought were calculated in order to assist internal staff in developing District wide processes. A geospatial map of the Middle St. Johns Groundwater Basin was developed illustrating spatially how the developed triggers would have behaved during the last two significant drought events.
The analysis included investigative, testing, and conclusion phases. |