4th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Uriah Gravois
Session Name Poster Session: Impact of changing drivers on water resources
Poster Number 45
Author(s) Uriah Gravois,  Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering (Presenting Author)
  Analysis of long term tide gauge records in Florida.
  Five of Florida’s longest continuous tide gauge records are analyzed to investigate sea level rise. The analysis method used fits the tide records with first and second order theoretical model equations. The gauges are operated and maintained by the National Ocean Service (NOS) but they are also available from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL). A comparison is made of the data types and availability from these two sources and recommendations are made for which source is preferred, depending on the application. Finally, the results of this analysis are discussed in terms of previously published analysis for these five Florida tide gauge records.