5th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Simone Athayde
Session Name Collaborations and Partnerships
Author(s) Simone Athayde,  University of Florida (Presenting Author)
  Hilton Nascimento,  Verthic
  Renata Faria, Verthic
  Igor Ferreira, Verthic
  Renata Utsunomiya, Verthic
  Indigenous Peoples, Social-environmental Governance and Hydroelectric Dam Development in the Amazon
  Indigenous lands and freshwater systems in the Amazon are under threat by the development of several hydroelectric dams in main Amazonian rivers. In regards to social-environmental justice, some of the main problems associated with hydroelectric dam construction in the Amazon (but also globally) explored in this case-study are: a) lack of transparent, inclusive and participatory decision-making in the planning and execution of the construction itself, as well as on mitigation and compensation projects and actions; b) lack of access to information, adequate consultation and prior informed consent processes established before the construction is initiated. This presentation reports on a participatory monitoring program of fisheries among two indigenous groups affected by the Belo Monte dam. The project design has included defining and monitoring indicators of participation and community empowerment, in addition to the technical monitoring of fisheries. We report on the process of defining and evaluating the indicators, reflecting on lessons learned and prospects for “on the ground” implementation, monitoring and evaluation of targets related to the Sustainable Development Goal 16 – SDG16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels).