5th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Kristopher Esterson
Session Name Panel: Actionable Science for Water Resources Management Planning and Decision Making
Author(s) Kris Esterson,  South Florida Water Management District (Presenting Author)
  Declining per capita water use rates in the Lower East Coast, Florida: Implications for future water use projections.
  Population in Florida’s Lower East Coast region increased by 1.1 million people between 1995 and 2010. While population increased by 25% over that time, gross water demand in the public water supply sector rose by only 5%. During this period the gross per capita water use rate declined steadily from 177 to 149 gpcd. With population in the Lower East Coast projected to rise by another 1.1 million people between 2010 and 2030, understanding the drivers affecting gross per capita water use is important for developing future water use projections. If the gross per capita water use rate continues to decline at the same rate it has since 1995, regional gross water demand could actually decline relative to current demand.