5th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Vasu Misra
Session Name Panel: Actionable Science for Water Resources Management Planning and Decision Making
Author(s) Vasu Misra,  Florida State University (Presenting Author)
  Amit Bhardwaj,  Florida State University
  The changing wet season of Florida
  The seasonal cycle of Florida rainfall is a robust feature. We define objectively the onset, demise, and length of the wet season in peninsular Florida and along the Gulf coast of the US. This definition of the onset, demise, and length of the wet season requires a sharp seasonal peak in the wet season, which is the reason for confining the analysis of our results to peninsular Florida. Along the Gulf coast outside of peninsular Florida, the climatological wet season length is comparatively short. Our observational study indicates that the seasonal length of the wet season in peninsular Florida is reducing over time. However in western panhandle Florida there is a trend of increased length of the wet season. The reduction of wet season length in peninsular Florida seems to stem largely from earlier demise of the wet season. But in western peninsular Florida the earlier onset of the wet season seems to be the major cause of the increase in the length of the season. It is also shown that the seasonal accumulation of wet season rainfall is also reducing across Florida even over western peninsular Florida. The cause of these observed trends are however yet to be determined. There are other important features of the wet season that are also showing small, but sustained changes which will also be discussed.