Submitter's Name |
Laurens Van der Tak |
Session Name |
Panel: Actionable Science for Water Resources Management Planning and Decision Making |
Author(s) |
Bertha Goldenberg, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department |
Virginia Walsh,
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department |
Laurens van der Tak, CH2M (Presenting Author) |
Climate Risk and Resilience Planning for Wastewater Infrastructure: Miami-Dade’s Facility Hardening Planning Process and Design Guidelines |
Communities face uncertainty related to future climate impacts on infrastructure, from extreme storms, drought, and excessive heat. Coastal communities face the added threat of sea level rise (SLR), coupled with storm surges. This paper highlights Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department planning and design guidelines that are being prepared for facilities that are being designed under the Ocean Outfall Legislation and Consent Decree Programs.
This case study summarizes progress in developing wastewater climate resilience and facility hardening plans under WASD’s OOL program, including updating climate projections based on IPCC CMIP5 data sets for rainfall and the Southeast Florida Climate Compact projections for sea level rise. These were used to drive storm surge and inundation modeling, and to define of asset risk. DHI’s MIKE21 and CH2M‘s Flood Modeler Suite, calibrated to Hurricane Andrew and the FEMA 100-year base flood, were used to model Miami-Dade inundation due to 100-year storm surge event with and without sea level rise. Options and costs for facility hardening were evaluated based on risk to critical facilities and a design guideline was proposed for use by design teams to protect wastewater treatment and pump station facilities.