5th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Ian Hahus
Session Name Poster Session - Watershed & Wetland Management
Poster Number 58
Author(s) Ian Hahus,  PhD Student, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UF (Presenting Author)
  Kati Migliaccio,  Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UF
  Donatto Surratt, Ecologist, National Park Service
  Statistics-based Hydrologic Model Compartmentalization for a Water Conservation Area
  Improving the understanding and management of the hydrology of the Everglades will have great economic benefits for the state of Florida. In addition to hydrologic services such as groundwater filtration and recharge, benefits from the hydrology-driven ecology of the system include revenues from National Park visitation, hunting, and fishing. Due to its position within the watershed, the hydrology of Water Conservation Area 1 (WCA 1) can influence the hydrology of downstream portions of the Everglades system through the timings and amounts of controlled surface water releases. Previous modeling efforts in WCA 1 have focused on water quality with only required hydrologic components integrated. A compartmentalized hydrologic model of WCA 1 is needed to evaluate potential water management strategies based on predicted hydrologic outcomes. Boundary conditions and hydrologic forcing due to the perimeter levees and water control structures serve as constraints to the system. Cluster analysis was used to distinguish compartments within these boundaries that share statistically similar attributes for designing model structure. Digital elevation maps, vegetative cover classifications, and pumping station operations, as well as water stage and water quality monitoring data will factor into the analyses. The model’s user interface will enable easy adjustment of parameters to test a variety of scenarios. Results of these simulations may encourage new management strategies to be advocated depending on targeted Habitat Suitability Indices (HSIs).