5th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Pei-wen Huang
Session Name Poster Session - Policy & Behavior Change
Poster Number 26
Author(s) Pei-wen Huang,  University of Florida (Presenting Author)
  Alexa Lamm,  University of Florida
  Michael Dukes, University of Florida
  Should Water Conservation Program Targeting High Water Users Be Provided Similarly Statewide? Hints from Three Regions of Florida
  Competition for water sources in urban areas of Florida has increased due to increased population and human activities. High water users have been identified as a specific group Extension should focus water conservation education on due to their low awareness of water issues and active landscaping water uses. In order to ensure the effectiveness of extension programs targeting high water users, this study sought to explore regional differences in water conservation behavior engagement within Florida high water users. An online survey was conducted to capture responses of high water users (N = 932) in southeast, southwest, and central regions for this comparative study. Respondents were asked to indicate their current engagement in water use behavior, application of water conservation strategies, and the likelihood of engaging in water conservation and related societal behaviors. Regional differences were found in all four examined constructs. Therefore, extension educators should develop and deliver educational programs relevant to regional audiences’ behavior patterns instead of treat all high water users in Florida as a whole to ensure program effectiveness.