5th UF Water Institute Symposium Abstract

Submitter's Name Amy Morie
Session Name Poster Session - Policy & Behavior Change
Poster Number 30
Author(s) Amy E Morie,  UF/IFAS Extension Clay County
  Evelyn Prissy Fletcher,  UF/IFAS Extension Putnam County (Presenting Author)
  Ops For Drops: Promoting Responsible Water Use Through Florida Friendly Landscaping
  We are applying for an Extension Scholarship The pressure on water resources with Florida’s growing population is an increasing issue for the state. Many residents are unaware of the impact they have on water resources, and are likely to overuse water without realizing it. Knowledge of personal water use and various options for reducing potable water use on landscapes are valuable insights for residents to begin implementing better usage habits. Often, such learning provides healthier overall landscapes in terms of reduced disease and pest problems, creating added incentive for behavior change. Various applications of “Water Efficiently,” a key principle of Florida Friendly Landscaping, are being taught with measurable impact in Putnam and Clay County. Residential education programs that target water use teach best management practices and interventions that reduce reliance on potable water. These efforts help residents with knowledge gain and practice change, resulting in demonstrable savings. The use of both quantitative and qualitative methods to determine program success reveal increasing audience awareness and practice change. By promoting awareness of water habits and teaching water saving techniques for landscapes, our work provides residents the tools they need to become responsible stewards of water resources.