2015 Program Participating Faculty and Research Components
Participating faculty members’ expertise and research interests relevant to the theme of the program are outlined below. Click (toggle) each faculty members’ name for more detailed information.
- Dr. Stephanie Bohlman, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation. email: sbohlman@ufl.edu
- Dr. David Kaplan, Assistant Professor, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences. email: dkaplan@ufl.edu
- Dr. Kai Lorenzen, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation and School of Natural Resources and the Environment. email: klorenzen@ufl.edu
- Dr. Cynthia S. Simmons, Professor, Department of Geography. email: cssimmons@ufl.edu
- Dr. Denis Valle, Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources and Conservation. email: drvalle@ufl.edu
- Dr. Bette Loiselle, Director, Tropical Conservation and Development Program, Center for Latin American Studies & Professor, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, bloiselle@latam.ufl.edu
- Dr. Simone Athayde, Research Associate & Coordinator, Amazon Dams Network, Tropical Conservation and Development Program, Center for Latin American Studies, simonea@ufl.edu
- Jynessa Dutka-Gianelli, Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Forest Resources & Conservation, jdgianelli@ufl.edu
- Carolina Rodrigues da Costa Doria, Professor, Department of Biology, Federal University of Rondônia, carolinarcdoria@uol.com.br
- Elineide Marques, Professor, Department of Biology, Federal University of Tocantins emarques@mail.uft.edu.br