September 2004
UF Faculty Task Force Proposal for establishing a campus-wide Water Institute was approved by the University of Florida Faculty Senate
December 2004
VP Win Phillips formed a Faculty Launch Team to implement the Water Institute
January 2005 - December 2005
Defined the mission for the Water Institute
Developed a draft strategic & business plan for Water Institute
Developed web-site, faculty expertise database, brochures, etc
Conducted a national/international search for the Founding Director of the Institute
February 2006
Progress Energy announces $1.2 Million endowment to the Water Institute
May 2006
Water Institute Director, Wendy A. Graham, hired
June 2006
Research Coordinators, Kathleen A. McKee and Mark A. Newman hired
August 2006
Water Institute moves in to new offices in 570 Weil Hall.
A Strategic Planning process was begun in August 2006 with an online survey of affiliated faculty to elicit input about developing focus areas for the Water Institute methods of governance and preferred forms of collaboration and communication.
Survey results (PDF).
October 2006
A planning retreat led by a professional facilitator and trainer was held on October 16, 2006 with 34 Water Institute-affiliated faculty attending. This very productive meeting produced a vision of a successful Water Institute, a definition of important thrust areas, and steps for moving forward as an interdisciplinary group. Meeting notes (PDF).
August 2007
In August 2007 the Faculty Advisory Committee approved the 2007-2010 UF Water Institute Strategic Plan and Executive Summary (PDF).