Water Institute Public Listservs
Symposium Listserv
To find out more information about the upcoming Water Institute Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources, you can subscribe to the Water Institute Symposium listserv by sending an email to listserv@lists.ufl.edu with the following message content (replace the red words with your first and last name):
subscribe WATERINSTITUTE-SYMPOS-L firstname lastname
Student Listserv
To find out about opportunities with internships, courses, jobs and seminars, you can subscribe to the Water Institute Student listserv by sending an email to listserv@lists.ufl.edu with the following message content (replace the red words with your first and last name):
subscribe Waterinstitute-STU-L firstname lastname
Public Listserv
To find out about upcoming meetings, events and seminars, you can subscribe to the Water Institute Public listserv by sending an email to listserv@lists.ufl.edu with the message content (replace the red words with your first and last name):
subscribe Waterinstitute-PUB-L firstname lastname
Faculty Listserv
Faculty that affiliate themselves by registering in the Expertise Database will be added to the Water Institute Faculty listserv.
To see archives of previously sent emails for these listservs, visit Archives.
If you have any problems, contact Mary Garvin