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Dr. David Kaplan: UF Water Institute Distinguished Scholar Seminar ,

The UF Water Institute is hosting Dr. David Kaplan, UF Water Institute 2017 Faculty Fellow, as the Distinguished Scholar Seminar speaker this month. Dr. Kaplan’s research focuses on linkages among the hydrological cycle, ecosystem processes, and human activities, with the goal of advancing natural resource conservation and management. He has worked extensively with water and environmental management agencies to tie hydrological modeling to ecological outcomes, predict restoration effects, and guide water management decision-making. Dr. Kaplan also the leads the Water Institute Graduate Fellows (WIGF) cohort focused on Hydrologic transformation in the Amazon basin.

Please join us as Dr. Kaplan presents Socio-Ecohydrology of a Dammed Amazon. The seminar will take place on Wednesday, March 21, from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM in the J. Wayne Reitz Union Room 3320.

For additional details, please contact UF Water Institute’s Carol Lippincott at calippincott@ufl.edu.

More information on the presentation can be found below.

Socio-Ecohydrology of a Dammed Amazon

The Amazon River basin is the world’s largest watershed and provides >US$30 billion/yr in critical ecosystem services to local populations, national societies and humanity at large. The Amazon is also a relatively untapped source of hydropower electricity for Latin America, with construction of >30 large hydroelectric dams and >170 small dams currently underway in support of increased energy security, economic growth, improved living standards, and industrialization. This rapid pace of planned development, coupled with the spatial scale of its impact and potential for detrimental loss of globally important ecosystem services, make this impending transformation unprecedented. This seminar will present a summary of collaborative interdisciplinary research to synthesize effects of dams on riverine hydrology, fisheries production, and social wellbeing in the Brazilian Amazon.