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Universities Council on Water Resources Scholarship ,

Hang Duong, a UF student in the Environmental Horticulture Department, has been selected to receive a $1300 graduate student scholarship to attend the WaterSmart Innovations Conference in Las Vegas in October 2018. Duong’s research is entitled ‘Developing a Simple Water Use Model of Ilex x ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ and Quercus virginiana over Five Years in a Humid Climate’. Two UF Water Institute Affiliate Faculty members, Richard Beeson and Roger Kjelgren, are co-authors on the study.

Hang Dong is one of 20 graduates from around the country, and the only one from the University of Florida, selected to receive this travel scholarship. Selected students must present research in the areas of water demand management, water supply, and/or water conservation at the Las Vegas conference. The scholarship includes conference registration, one pre- or post-conference workshop, hotel and airfare, and a spending allowance for meals and transit.

The WaterSmart Innovations Conference occurs annually, and the 2018 conference is the 11th in the series. The Conference and Exposition hosts international leaders in innovative water efficiency technology and offers students and professionals the opportunity to network and build relationships that can lead to further research in the field.