In The Spotlight
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Water Institute Graduate Fellows (WIGF) go abroad to Costa Rica's Tempisque Basin (WIGF) go abroad to Costa Rica's Tempisque Basin (WIGF) go abroad to Costa Rica's Tempisque Basin ,
The 2011 WIGF student and faculty cohort ventured to Costa Rica to top off their first year in the program. The group joined the Levin College of Law Conservation Clinic and the International Environmental Law Skills Lab program to gain experience in providing short-term development assistance (consultancies) and working in interdisciplinary teams. All projects focused on water management issues pertinent to the Tempisque-Bebedero Basin, one of Costa Rica’s largest and most water-limited watersheds. The projects included an investigation of legal, socioeconomic, and environmental issues. Presentations of research projects are planned for the month of October (see Upcoming Events). Read more...