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Water Institute helps Advance UF/IFAS Extension Water Initiatives ,

“Water is, without a doubt, one of our state’s most critical issues,” Jack Payne, UF’s senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources, said at the recent release of a Florida public opinion survey focused on water. “As such,” he said, “IFAS is going to focus a great deal of our research and outreach efforts into trying to ensure that our water resources are preserved and protected." The Water Institute’s expanding partnership with UF/IFAS bridges research and extension efforts. Working with the Water Leadership team, the Water Institute facilitated a 2-day summit engaging over seventy county and state faculty, and administrators to kick-off the UF-IFAS Extension Strategic Water Initiative. The participants were encouraged to identify ‘signature’ educational programs that could have statewide impact. The Summit resulted in proposals for innovative programs and the establishment of teams to draft action plans for these programs. For more information on the summit including a full report click here.