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 Water Institute affiliate faculty Dr. Berg and Dr. Phillips lead PURC Water Utility Benchmarking workshop in Kosovo,

Water Institute affiliate faculty member Dr. Sanford Berg and Dr. Michelle Phillips (both with the Public Utilities Research Center, PURC ) recently returned from Kosovo where they led a Water Utility Benchmarking workshop organized by the Danube Water Program. During the 5-day workshop, participants from regulatory agencies, ministries and operators from 11 countries of the Danube River Basin examined critical issues including data collection, validation, and dissemination; analysis of performance; and setting goals and action plans. Drs. Berg and Phillips led the group through several case studies and discussions designed to improve participants’ understanding of benchmarking as it applies to water utilities. According to Phillips, goals of the workshop included understanding the benefits of benchmarking for water utilities, strengthening analytical and strategic skills, understanding the importance of incentives, and providing capacity building and best practice exchanges among Danube countries. For more information about the workshop, click here .

By Jenny Adler