Faculty in the Spotlight<--Back

 Dr. Kelly Grogan leads UF/IFAS faculty research team on USDA NIFA grant,

A team of Water Institute affiliate faculty members was recently awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to estimate the economic value of water for agricultural and recreational uses in the Lower Suwannee and Santa Fe River Basin (LSSFRB). The team is comprised of Drs. Kelly Grogan, Xiang Bi, Tatiana Borisova, Alan Hodges from the Food and Resource Economics Department, and Christopher Martinez from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. The LSSFRB provides users with an abundance of benefits. The project is seeking to answer whether collecting payments from LSSFRB recreational users could offset costly investments farmers must make to achieve water quality and flow standards. To get more details on how this team of researchers plans to achieve their goal, please click here.