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New Water Institute Faculty Advisory Committee Members Begin Term ,
As of June 1, five new members began their term on the UF Water Institute’s Faculty Advisory Committee.
New members include Christine Angelini, Thomas Bianchi, Mark Brenner, Kai Lorenzen, and Todd Osborne. Members whose term’s concluded include Tom Frazer, Peter Frederick, Sandra Russo, Elizabeth Screaton, and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson. Special thanks to prior FAC chair, Matthew Cohen. The current FAC chair is Kati Migliaccio.
The Faculty Advisory Committee is composed of 15 Water Institute Affiliate faculty who serve 3-year terms to advise the Water Institute Director and staff on the formulation and execution of Water Institute programs, plans and policies.
"The FAC is important because the Water Institute was established as a grassroots faculty initiative, and we want to ensure faculty remain engaged in its development," said Water Institute Director Wendy Graham.
The new members of the FAC will be instrumental in the design of a series of workshops to promote faculty engagement and new research networks within the Affiliate Faculty members that will begin next spring.
"I am really looking forward to being more involved in the Water Institute and learning more about how it functions," said FAC Chair Kati Migliaccio. "I hope to help build stronger faculty relationships within and to the Water Institute."
Thank you to all past FAC members for your guidance and insights! We are thankful for your time and energy towards the enhancement of the Water Institute.