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The UF Water Institute joins the US Department of Interior Southeast Climate Science Center ,

The Department of Interior Southeast Climate Science Center has recently received a five-year funding award, allowing them to enter into the second phase of their timeline and welcome five universities to join the Consortium. Many universities competed to join North Carolina State University in its work as host of the Climate Science Center, but after extensive review, the following universities and corresponding Principal Investigators were chosen:

University of Florida, Dr. Wendy Graham
Auburn University, Dr. Karen McNeal
Duke University, Dr. Lydia Olander
University of South Carolina, Dr. Kristin Dow
University of Tennessee, Dr. Paul Armsworth

These universities, along with other collaborators such as federal agencies, State fish and wildlife managers, water managers, tribal groups, and conservation organizations, will work alongside North Carolina State University over the next five years in its efforts to provide local stakeholders and managers the research, information, and tools necessary to make informed decisions regarding climate and land use impacts.

The mission of the SE Climate Science Center is to help people to understand what exposure to global change processes looks like, what the impacts of climate change are, and how to make climate- or land use change adaptation decisions. The addition of the five universities to the Consortium will allow the CSC’s access to expertise to broaden, allowing them to be better able to fulfill this mission. The UF Water Institute will expand the CSC to include understanding risk and resilience to changes in water supply and demand that may result from a changing climate.

For more information regarding the Southeast Climate Science Center and its work, you may view the SE CSC Fact Sheet, or you may visit their website.