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Dr. Kaplan’s Amazon Dams Article Published in Science Advances ,
On November 1st, Science Advances published an article by David Kaplan, co-authored by Kelsie Timpe. The research article explores the impacts of current and future dams in the Brazilian Amazon, focusing on both the individual impacts of dams on the river’s natural flow regime as well as the cumulative impacts of multiple dams in the river basin.
Dr. Kaplan is the recipient of the 2017 Water Institute Faculty Fellow Award in the Early Career category. He also works with the Water Institute as a faculty advisor in the Graduate Fellows program, specifically as the Watershed and Riverine Ecohydrology advisor for the 2015 cohort. The doctoral students and their advisors are also conducting research on the hydrologic transformation of the Brazilian Amazon.
For more information on the article, read the UF News feature on Dr. Kaplan. Visit the Science Advances website to read the full research article