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Integrated Physical and Chemical Observations of Water-rock Interactions and Coupled Matrix-conduit Flow in the Karstic Floridan Aquifer
Goals and Objectives
The flow field of karst aqufiers includes conduits, fractures, and intergranulare porosity of the matrix rocks. Full characterization of flow and chemical reactions in karst aqufiers requires understanding flow through each of these components. This project addresses questions of coupling between aquifer components and water sources by integrating new chemical measurements with previous observations of flow through the Floridan aquifer.
Planned Outputs
(1) Peer-reviewed publications
(2) Student theses and dissertations
Available Outputs

Title: Characterization of Conduit-Matrix Interactions at the Santa Fe River, Sink/Rise System, Florida, NGWA Paper
Authors: Screaton, E. and J. B. Martin

Title: Geochemical and statistical evidence of recharge, mixing, and controls on spring discharge in an eogenetic karst aquifer, Journal of Hydrology 376 , 443-455
Authors: Moore, P. J., Martin, J. B., and E. J. Screaton

Title: Monitoring well responses to karst conduit head fluctuations: Implications for fluid exchange and matrix transmissivity in the Floridan aquifer, Geological Society of America Special Paper 404
Authors: Martin, J. M., Screaton, E. J. and J. B. Martin

Title: Relative importance and chemical effects of diffuse and focused recharge in an eogenetic karst aquifer: an example from the unconfined upper Floridan aquifer, USA, Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0460-0, 2009.
Authors: Ritorto, M. , Screaton, E. J., Martin, J. B. and P. J. Moore

Title: Water exchange and pressure transfer between conduits and matrix and their influence on hydrodynamics of two karst aquifers with sinking streams, Journal of Hydrology 386 55-66, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.03.005, 2010.
Authors: Bailly-Comte, V., Martin, J. B., Jourde, H., Screaton, E. J., Pistre, S. and A. Langston
Project Lead
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Project Participants
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Additional Participants
Vincent Bailly-Comte
Abby Langston
Jennifer Martin
P.J. Moore
Michael Ritorto
Elizabeth Screaton
Level 1: WI Affiliated Faculty Project
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems
Grant Award Dates
8/1/2005 to 7/31/2010