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Watersheds are hydrological basins defined by the area within which all water flows downgrade to a common waterbody such as a stream, river, lake, or bay. Watersheds are important because healthy natural ecosystems and human communities rely on clean water, and activities in a watershed can either protect or degrade the quality of water that flows downgrade through the watershed. Florida has 29 major watersheds, and jurisdictions of its Water Management Districts are based on boundaries on the five largest. The Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades watershed from central Florida to Florida Bay includes the largest freshwater subtropical peat wetland in North America. The Tampa Bay watershed on the west coast of Florida flows into Tampa Bay, the largest open-water estuary in Florida. The St. Johns River watershed on the east coast of Florida includes Florida’s only American Heritage River. The Suwannee River watershed in north Florida flows into the Suwannee estuary, one of the most extensive seagrass habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. The Apalachicola River watershed in north Florida, Georgia, and Alabama is recognized by the United Nations for its internationally valuable biological diversity. The Florida Watershed Restoration Act mandates watershed-scale management to restore degraded water quality. Florida’s watershed management planning process focuses on reducing pollutants from point sources, mainly wastewater treatment facilities, and from non-point sources such as leaching and runoff from agricultural/silvicultural land, urban and suburban stormwater, on-site septic systems, and phosphate mines. Watershed management plans also address acquisition of conservation land; regulation of water-control structures; restoration of hydrology, wetlands, and aquatic habitats; and public awareness. Researchers at University of Florida are helping address these watershed issues, providing scientific information that is informing watershed management in order to restore degraded water bodies.
Project Title |
Project Investigator |
Biodiversity of a landscape: examining forest heterogeneity and ecological change in the East Usambaras since 1975.
Southworth, Jane
Optimal Water Quality and Conservation Investments
Grogan, Kelly A
A Spreadsheet Tool for Slow-rate Land Application System Storage Design
Martinez, Christopher J
Allen, Micheal S
Alternative Landscapes Along The Amazon Frontier
Southworth, Jane
Alternative Landscapes Along the Amazon's Frontier: Simulating Future Land-Use and Carbon Dynamics in the Xingu River Headwaters Region
Southworth, Jane
An Examination of Fish Spawning, Movement, and Habitat Utilization Patterns in the Battle Bend Region of the Apalachicola River, Florida
Pine III, William E
Analysis of Soil Moisture and Salinity in the Floodplains of the Loxahatchee River Watershed.
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Assessment of Spatial Nutrient Dynamics in the Newnans Lake Watershed
Cohen, Matthew J
Biogeochemical Indicators of Watershed Integrity & Wetlands
Reddy, Konda R
Collaborative Development of Public Water Supply Utility Relevant Climate Information for Improved Operations and Planning
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Collaborative Research- Catalyzing New International Collaborations: Interdisciplinary workgroup on water sustainability in the Tempisque Basin, NW Costa Rica
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Collaborative Research: High Resolution Sensor Networks for Quantifying and Predicting Surface-Groundwater Mixing and Nutrient Delivery in the Santa Fe River, Florida
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Compliation and Synthesis of Existing Data to support of the determination of minimum flows for Crystal River
Frazer, Tom K
Demonstration of Water Quality Best Management Practices to Reduce Nutrient Loadings from Beef Cattle Ranches to Lake Okeechobee
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Design and Demonstration of a distributed sensor array for predicting water flow and nitrate flux in the Santa Fe Basin
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Designing, Evaluating and Retrofitting Water Quality BMP's in Florida Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Sansalone, John Joseph
Developing resource managers skills for wildland-urban interface challenges.
Monroe, Martha Carrie
Development of a Computer Model to Design Vegetative Filter Strips as a Best Management Practice to Total Maximum Daily Loads to Reduce Contaminant Transport by Runoff from Disturbed Lands
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Development of a procedure for using selected water quality model components with existing hydrologic models.
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Development of an Inexpensive, Submersible, Automatic Water Sampler
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Linking Land-Use and Land-Cover Change and Aquatic Ecosystem Function in the Temash River Watershed, Belize, Central America
Brenner, Mark
Environmental Effects of Water Withdrawals from the St. Johns River - Data Collection
Reddy, Konda R
Environmental Effects of Water Withdrawals from the St. Johns River Expert Assistance
Reddy, Konda R
Evaluation of Hydrologic Data within the Upper Suwannee and Santa Fe River Basins and Adjacent Parts of Northeastern Florida and Southern Georgia
Gao, Bin
Exploring coupled social and hydrological uncertainty within adaptive water resource management in the Appalachicola Chatahoochee Flint River Basin
Kiker, Gregory A
Field and Data Maintenance of the FL-DEP BoMR Vegetative Filter Strip Research Facility in Homeland, Bartow (FL)
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS)
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Geomorphic Monitoring of the Kissimmee River Restoration
Mossa, Joann
Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Hydrologic, Spatially Distributed Watershed Models
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Groundwater data Processing and advanced Hydrologic Analysis for the Loxahatche River
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
IGERT Program in Adaptive Management: Wise Use of Water, Wetlands and Watersheds
Brown, Mark T
IGERT Program in Adaptive Management: Wise Use of Water, Wetlands and Watersheds
Brown, Mark T
Impact of Organic Amendments on Soil Water Retention & Water Conservation.
Shukla, Sanjay
Important microhabitats for spotted sunfish in the Manatee, Little Manatee, and Anclote
Rivers, Florida.
Allen, Micheal S
Increased Nutrient Loading of Spring-Fed Coastal Rivers: Effects on Habitat and Faunal Communities
Frazer, Tom K
Investiation of effects of variable flows on water chemistry gradients and fish communities
Allen, Micheal S
Near Shore Ecology of Grand Canyon Fish
Pine III, William E
Needs, Uses, Perceptions, and Attitudes towards Weather and Climate Forecast Information by Water Resource Managers in the Southeastern United States.
Martinez, Christopher J
NOAA Recruiting Training & Research Program
Allen, Micheal S
Peer Review of the Watershed Assessment Model
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Peer Review Services for the St. Johns River Water Management District Water Conservation Program
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Protecting Florida's Water Quality: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Implementation of Low Impact Development (LID) Practices
Clark, Mark W
Protocol Development of Evaluate the Effect of Water Table Management on Phosphorus Release to Drainage Water
Nair, Vimala D
Reducing Non-Point Source Loss of Nitrate Within the Santa Fe Basin
Clark, Mark W
Reversals of karst springs: Implications for water budgets, water quality, and speleogensis
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Scenario-Based Analysis of Surface Water Withdrawals from the St. Johns River Basin
Boyer, Treavor H
Soils and Hydroperiod Analysis in the Flood Plains of the Loxahatchee River Watershed
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Spawning Microhabitats for American Shad at the St. Johns River Potential for use in Establishing MFLs
Allen, Micheal S
St. Johns River Water Management District: Technical Symposia on St. Johns River Water Supply Impact Study
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Study of Frog Pond Hydrology and Water Quality Modification
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
The Blackwater River: Adaptively Managing for a Sustainable Watershed
Ankersen, Thomas T
Tri-County Agricultural Area Water Quality Data Review and Information‐Sharing Program
Clark, Mark W
Clark, Mark W
Use of seasonal climate forecasts to minimize short-term operational risks for water supply and ecosystem restoration
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Water Quality Model Calibration with Different Levels of Process Complexity
Jawitz, James W
Water Resources and Watershed Managment in the U.S. and Brazil
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Weathering of western Greenland: Influences on oceanic fluxes of radiogenic isotopes
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Wood to Energy: A Training Program Utilize Interface Fuels for Bioenergy
Monroe, Martha Carrie