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Water, Land Use and Ecosystems Water and Climate Water and Society Water Resources Sustainability Springs Wetlands Watersheds Aquifers Lakes Coastal Zone  Water Institute Classification 1  Water Institute Classification 2  Water Institute Classification 3  Water Institute Classification 4

Sustainable Water Resource Management: U.S. - India Collaborative Research and Education
Goals and Objectives
The overall goal of this project is to enhance water resource management in India through collaborative research and education activities between the University of Florida (UF) and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCA&T) in the US, and Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), and the Institute for Agricultural Research (IARI) in India. Specific areas of water resource management that will be addressed include: 1) sustainable use of water resources, 2) water quality management and remediation, 3) use of simulation models in water resource-agricultural-ecosystem management, 4) improved water use efficiency and drought management.

A supplementary project, "Integrating gender and social issues in watershed management projects of the Indo-US Agricultural Knowledge Initiative (AKI): A Pilot Study", was funded by USDA Capacity Building and Water Resource Management programs in an effort to incorporate social and gender issues into AKI projects. USDA funded ICRISAT directly with the UF Water Institute as a key partner linking directly to the AKI project described above. Objectives of this project include: 1)Ensuring that attention to gender and social issues are incorporated in the research of one of the NASULGC funded projects at the University of Florida in the priority area of Water Resource Management, and 2) Sharing lessons learned from the research in one watershed and from case studies from other watersheds developed by ICRISAT.
Planned Outputs
1) Joint workshops held at ANGRAU, PAU, IARI to identify and prioritize water resource research and education areas of common interest and concern
2) Hosting of sabbaticals of Indian scientists at both UF and NCA&T to develop joint proposals to address the priority research and education areas
3) Joint workshops held at ANGRAU, PAU, IARI to identify and prioritize water resource research and education areas of common interest and concern
4) Research reports, papers for presentation and journals, and CD.
Available Outputs

Title: 2009 Colloquium for UF AKI Project
Authors: Staal, Lisette

Title: Bi-decadal groundwater level trends in a semi-arid South Indian region: Declines, causes and management, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, Vol. 8, 43-58, 2016
Authors: Sishodia, R.P., S. Shukla, W. Graham, S Wani, and K. Garg

Title: Current and future groundwater withdrawals: Effects, management and energy policy options for a semi-arid Indian watershed, Advances in Water Resources,
Authors: Sishodia, R.P., S. Shukla, W. D. Graham, S Wani, J. W. Jones and J. Heaney

Title: Identifying irrigation and nitrogen best management practices foraerobic rice–maize cropping system for semi-arid tropics usingCERES-rice and maize models. Agricultural Water Management: 149 (2015) 23-32.
Authors: Kadiyala, M.D.M., J.W. Jones, R.S.Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, and M.D. Reddy

Title: Impact of Aerobic Rice Cultivation on Growth, Yield, and Water Productivity of Rice–Maize Rotation in Semiarid Tropics, Agron. J. 104:1757–1765 (2012), doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0148.
Authors: Kadiyala, M. D. M., R. S. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, G. B. Reddy, and M. D. Reddy

Title: Study of spatial water requirements of rice under various crop establishment methods using GIS and crop models, Journal of Agrometeorology 17 (1) : 1-10 (June 2015).
Authors: Kadiyala, M.D.M., James W. Jones, R.S. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, M.D.Reddy, and M. Umadevi

Title: Uptake efficiency of 15N-urea in flooded and aerobic rice fields under semi-arid conditions, Paddy and Water Environment, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s10333-014-0473-8.
Authors: Kadiyala, M.D.M., R. S. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, G. B. Reddy, K. R. Reddy, and M. D. Reddy
Project Lead
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Project Participants
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Additional Participants
Dorota Haman
James Jawitz
James W. (Jim) Jones
Jasmeet Judge
Yuncong Li
Rao Mylavarapu
Konda Ramesh Reddy
Sanjay Shukla
Level 3: WI Directed Project
Water and Society
Water Resources Sustainability
Grant Award Dates
8/1/2006 to 6/30/2010