Thrust Areas Ecosystem Water Institute Classification Level
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems Water and Climate Water and Society Water Resources Sustainability Springs Wetlands Watersheds Aquifers Lakes Coastal Zone  Water Institute Classification 1  Water Institute Classification 2  Water Institute Classification 3  Water Institute Classification 4

Peer Review of the Watershed Assessment Model
Goals and Objectives
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) contracted with the University of Florida Water Institute to convene a panel of experts to perform a review of the Watershed Assessment Model (WAM) as described in WAM Technical Model Documentation © Soil and Water Engineering Technology, Inc. 2008, Revised September 2008. The essence of the Panel’s task was to “conduct an independent and objective peer review of the functionality and documentation of the WAM as a watershed-scale modeling tool for addressing water resources issues in Florida” using the model developers’ latest documentation as the primary source of information about the model. The Panel interpreted the mandate broadly, seeking to judge the adequacy of the model for its stated objectives and judging whether the written documentation articulates sufficiently the capabilities of the model for its intended use. It should be noted that the Panel could not, nor attempted to, judge the accuracy of the coding of the model nor did it perform quality control exercises to vouch that it is error free.
Available Outputs

Title: Peer Review of the Watershed Assessment Model (WAM)
Authors: Graham, W. D., Donigian, A. S., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Skaggs, W. and A. Shirmohammadi
Project Lead
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Project Participants
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Level 3: WI Directed Project
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems
Grant Award Dates
7/1/2008 to 6/30/2009