Thrust Areas Ecosystem Water Institute Classification Level
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems Water and Climate Water and Society Water Resources Sustainability Springs Wetlands Watersheds Aquifers Lakes Coastal Zone  Water Institute Classification 1  Water Institute Classification 2  Water Institute Classification 3  Water Institute Classification 4

Predicting DNAPL Source Zone and Plume Response Using Site-Measured Characteristics
Goals and Objectives
The prediction of the relationship between dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone changes and downgradient plume response is critical to making informed site management decisions—especially those related to remedial actions. Thus, it is vital that source zone and plume characterization be conducted within a framework that is consistent with appropriate predictive models. This project proposes to demonstrate effective field-scale approaches that provide well characterized links between characterization, prediction, and decision making. Specific objectives of this project are to:
  • 1. Develop source functions for site management purposes using existing historical site data combined with the addition of limited flux and core based sampling,
  • 2. Extend to the field-scale our ability to predict DNAPL dissolution based on a priori characterization of the source zone architecture
  • 3. Characterize the near-source plume response at selected field sites and within an isolated section of the aquifer, to provide understanding needed to predict long-term plume responses,
Provide recommended guidance on the level of source zone characterization needed to adequately predict source strength functions and plume response.
Available Outputs

Title: Back diffusion from thin low permeability zones. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015
Authors: Yang, M., M. D. Annable, J. W. Jawitz

Title: Flux-Based Site Assessment and Management, Chlorinated Solvent Source Zone Remediation, 187-218, 2014.
Authors: Annable, M. D., M. C. Brooks, J. W. Jawitz, K. Hatfield
Project Lead
Annable, Michael D
Project Participants
Annable, Michael D
Hatfield, Kirk
Jawitz, James W
Level 1: WI Affiliated Faculty Project
Water Resources Sustainability
Grant Award Dates
9/26/2008 to 9/25/2014