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Protocol Development of Evaluate the Effect of Water Table Management on Phosphorus Release to Drainage Water
Goals and Objectives
A thorough understanding of potential P release from the soil profile is needed for implementing successful P management options such as phytoremediation or evaluating the efficacy of raising or lowering the water-table as a means of reducing P loss from a site. A body of literature is emerging that indicates raising the water table in upland soils, as proposed for reducing water and P load, releases adsorbed P from the soil into drainage water. Thus, best management practices (BMPs) designed to reduce P loads from upland soils through water-table manipulation may actually result in the opposite effect. In the current study, a threshold PSR for Bh horizons identified by the SAS program was 0.08 when using Mehlich 1 P, Fe and Al for PSR calculations. This threshold was not impacted by the P source, dairy or beef manure. Therefore using a PSR value of 0.08 as the threshold for the spodic horizon, the soil P storage capacity (SPSC) can be calculated. The SPSC will be a tool for determining whether it would be advantageous to raise or lower the water table at a given site as the parameter would provide an absolute indication of P release from the spodic horizon.
Available Outputs

Title: Compositional differences between Alaquods and Paleudults affecting phosphorus sorption-desorption behavior.
Authors: Chakraborty, D., V.D. Nair, and W.G. Harris.

Title: Environmentally-relevant phosphorus retention capacity of sandy coastal plain soils. Soil Sci. 177:701-707.
Authors: Chakraborty, D., V.D. Nair, W.G. Harris and R.D. Rhue

Title: Final Report: Protocol Development of Evaluate the Effect of Water Table Management on Phosphorus Release to Drainage Water
Authors: Nair, V.D., W.G. Harris, R.D. Rhue

Title: Phosphorus retention capacity of a pilot stormwater treatment area in the Lake Okeechobee Basin. ASA/CSSA/SSSA 2009 International Annual Meetings.
Authors: Wang, Y., K.R. Reddy, V.D. Nair, R.R. Villapando.

Title: Soil phosphorus storage capacity in manure-impacted Alaquods: Implications for water table management. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 142: 167-175. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2011.04.019
Authors: Chakraborty, D., V.D. Nair, M. Chrysostome, and W.G. Harris.

Title: Tool to evaluate soil phosphorus release and potential effect on water quality. 2nd UF Water Institute Symposium. February, 2010, Gainesville, FL.
Authors: Chakraborty, D., V.D. Nair, W.G. Harris, and R.D. Rhue
Project Lead
Nair, Vimala D
Project Participants
Nair, Vimala D
Additional Participants
Willie Harris
Roy Rhue
Water Resources Sustainability
Grant Award Dates
7/12/2009 to 6/30/2010