The goal of the Water Conservation Area (WCA)-3 Decompartmentalization and Sheet Flow Enhancement Project (DECOMP) is to “restore sheet flow and pre-drainage hydrologic and landscape characteristics to an undivided ecosystem by resuming the natural volume, distribution, and timing of freshwater deliveries.”
This work consisted of ELM modeling of DECOMP PIR 1 alternatives. The evaluation of water quality risk was part of an overall strategy to evaluate water quality issues per direction of the DECOMP ecological-water quality subteam and overall Project Delivery Team (PDT).
The strategy for evaluating project alternatives for DECOMP covers four general areas that will be addressed in subsequent sections: 1) performance measures (to be referred to as performance indicators for WQ analysis); 2) modeling; 3) risk characterization; and 4) monitoring and adaptive management. These four components of the evaluation strategy are intended to be used to discern how to most effectively protect natural resources in the project area (WCA-3A) and downstream of the project including, WCA-3B, Everglades National Park, Miami-Dade County, Broward County and Biscayne Bay. |