Thrust Areas Ecosystem Water Institute Classification Level
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems Water and Climate Water and Society Water Resources Sustainability Springs Wetlands Watersheds Aquifers Lakes Coastal Zone  Water Institute Classification 1  Water Institute Classification 2  Water Institute Classification 3  Water Institute Classification 4

Development of Coastal System Adaptation Strategies through Modeling of Sea Level Rise Impacts on Natural Systems at Apalachicola Bay
Goals and Objectives
Tidal marshes can be found along protected coastlines in middle and high latitudes worldwide. Marshes found in the Apalachicola Bay system include fresh, brackish and salt marshes and cover approximately 17 percent of the total aquatic area. They are effective nutrient filters and can reduce the amount of nutrients entering coastal waters. They form a buffer between upland systems and the sea and absorb wave energy and storm surges to minimize flooding and damage to adjacent upland areas. On-going and future sea-level rise is expected to affect tidal marshes and other near-shore habitats causing serious retreat in the world's shorelines. This project goal was to model the effects of sea level rise on coastal wetland systems and assess potential sea level rise impacts on infrastructure and cultural resources as well as the potential impacts to vulnerable species.
Project Lead
Racevskis, Laila Anna
Project Participants
Racevskis, Laila Anna
Level 1: WI Affiliated Faculty Project
Grant Award Dates
9/1/2010 to 12/30/2011