To consolidate an international team from the University of Florida’s Water Institute, Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability, the Duke-based Organization of Tropical Studies, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) and Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) that will address issues of changing climate and human systems as tourism and human migration change using an integrated interdisciplinary approach. The team will develop an integrated effort it is necessary to (1) define common goals and vision; (2) agree on mechanisms for coordination, communication, cooperation, and synthesis; and (3) identify the key research gaps and questions that need to be addressed in order to understand how this complex system works. Primary goals are to consolidate a large international and interdisciplinary group through two coordination and exchange meetings and to conduct a preliminary data analysis and synthesis that will support the workgroup meetings and proposal development. |
Title: | WEBinar: "Sustainability science research framework, and stakeholder mapping” by Arnim Wiek, Dan Childers, Ben Warner and Chris Kuzdas (ASU) , Oct 18, 2011 |
Authors: | Wiek, A., Childers, D., Warner, B., Kuzdas, C. |