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Tri-County Agricultural Area Water Quality Data Review and Information‐Sharing Program
Goals and Objectives
In response to a request by growers in the Tri-County Agricultural Area (TCAA), and with cooperation from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the University of Florida Water Institute and Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension Service reviewed information resources used by the SJRWMD and FDEP to estimate nutrient loadings and establish nutrient load reduction allocations associated with the Lower St. Johns River (LSJR) total maximum daily load (TMDL) and Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP).

Coordinated workshops and meetings were held to explain the TMDL/BMAP development process, data and findings to TCAA stakeholders. A final report summarizing the assumptions, methods, and data sources used to develop the TMDL and BMAP for the Lower St Johns River Basin and providing recommendations for new elements to consider when the BMAP is revisited was prepared.
Available Outputs

Title: TCAA project web site
Authors: McKee, K.

Title: TCAA Water Quality Data Review and Information-Sharing Program: Final Report
Authors: Mark Clark, Wendy Graham, Kathleen McKee and Jeff Ullman

Title: TCAA Water Quality Data Review and Information-Sharing Program: Growers Summary
Authors: Mark Clark, Wendy Graham, Kathleen McKee and Jeff Ullman
Project Lead
Clark, Mark W
Project Participants
Clark, Mark W
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Ullman, Jeffrey Layton
Additional Participants
Kathleen McKee
Level 3: WI Directed Project
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems
Grant Award Dates
9/29/2011 to 6/30/2012